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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2003-1pp.111-121

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A. V. Andreev, R. V. Goldstein, and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "Evolution of equilibrium of smooth curvilinear cracks with frictional interaction between the edges in the process of loading," Mech. Solids. 38 (1), 111-121 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 1 Pages 111-121
Title Evolution of equilibrium of smooth curvilinear cracks with frictional interaction between the edges in the process of loading
Author(s) A. V. Andreev (Moscow)
R. V. Goldstein (Moscow)
Yu. V. Zhitnikov (Moscow)
Abstract Analysis of equilibrium of elastic systems with friction shows that, in general, the stress-strain state is not determined by final values of applied loads but substantially depends on the loading history [1]. This is connected with the fact that in contact regions there appear slip zones and adhesion zones as a result of interaction between surfaces in accordance with the Coulomb law of dry friction. Thus, in the case of quasistatic variation of applied loads for some values of the parameters involved, slip may cease on part of the crack or on its entire surface. Then, two types of adhesion zones become possible, with zero [2-5] or a nonzero [1, 6, 7] jump in displacements. Therefore, for an adequate investigation of the limiting equilibrium of cracks with contact between the surfaces it is necessary to develop methods for solving problems of evolution of cavities and cut-type cracks during the loading and to find the laws of that evolution [1, 6-9].

In the present paper, in the framework of two-dimensional linear elasticity, we study the evolution of equilibrium of an arbitrary smooth curvilinear crack whose surfaces are interacting with friction during the process of complex loading. We develop an incremental method which allows us to study a wide class of problems concerning the limiting equilibrium of cracks with complex geometry and various types of loading. Moreover, the approach proposed here can be naturally extended to problems of crack growth for cracks of arbitrary shape in the process of loading. As an illustration, we obtain solutions of limiting equilibrium problems for curvilinear cut-type cracks and flattened cavities in the case of biaxial tension/compression and various types of loading.

Previously, spatial problems of equilibrium of flat cut-type cracks and flattened cavities were studied in [1, 7] on the basis of the asymptotic analysis of solutions near contact/opening and adhesion/slip regions. In these works, asymptotic analysis allowed one to trace the evolution of the tangential displacement jump in the contact region, to obtain conditions for the beginning of slip of the crack surfaces and coming to the adhesion state, as well as to establish the uniqueness of a solution for a given loading trajectory. The aforementioned conditions can be verified prior to solving the problem and have a convenient geometric interpretation. The analysis of slip of crack surfaces performed in [9] was based on passing from the primary nonlinear problem to a problem for increments; moreover, it was possible to obtain a problem which is linear with respect to the increment of the slip angle and to describe some properties of the solution of this problem. Some problems for which it is possible to describe slip of crack surfaces with various geometry, for specific trajectories of complex loading, were considered in [8, 10]. In the framework of the plane problem, the evolution of equilibrium was studied for rectilinear cracks of finite length in [6, 11] and for some types of kinked cracks in [12]. In [5], a solution was obtained for the problem of an arbitrary curvilinear crack whose surfaces interact in accordance with the Coulomb dry friction law. The adhesion zones considered in [5] admit no displacement jumps, i.e., the solution does not take into account the loading history.
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2.  F.-K. Chang and M. Comninou, "Effects of partial closure and friction on a radial crack emanating from a circular hole," Intern. J. Fracture, Vol. 28, pp. 29-36, 1985.
3.  Yu. V. Zhitnikov and B. M. Tulinov, "Equilibrium of a circular cut subject to complex stress state," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 521-524, 1982.
4.  B. V. Zhitnikov and B. M. Tupinov, "Equilibrium of a circular cut with nonhomogeneous interaction between its edges," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 874-880, 1983.
5.  A. V. Andreev, R. V. Goldstein, and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "Equilibrium of Curvilinear Cuts, with Formation of Contact, Slip, and Adhesion Zones Being Taken into Account. Preprint No. 676 [in Russian], In-t Problem Mekhaniki RAN, Moscow, 2001.
6.  Yu. V. Zhitnikov and B. M. Tupinov, "Interaction between cut edges subject to complex stress state," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 4, pp. 168-172, 1982.
7.  R. V. Goldstein and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "An investigation of mixed spatial problems with unknown boundaries for an elastic medium subject to complex loading," in Plasticity and Fracture of Solids [in Russian], pp. 57-73, Nauka, Moscow, 1988.
8.  R. V. Goldstein and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "A numerical-analytical method for the solution of mixed spatial elasticity problems with unknown boundaries for cavities and cracks. Part 2," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 5, pp. 65-78, 1988.
9.  R. V. Goldstein and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "Analysis of the process of slip of crack surfaces with friction under complex loading," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 139-148, 1991.
10.  R. V. Goldstein and Yu. V. Zhitnikov, "Stress state of an elastic material weakened by an elliptic crack with interacting surfaces under complex loading," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 126-132, 1988.
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Received 23 July 2000
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