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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-5pp.68-74

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A. O. Vatul'yan and V. V. Krasnikov, "Vibrations of an orthotropic half-plane with a curvilinear crack," Mech. Solids. 37 (5), 68-74 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 5 Pages 68-74
Title Vibrations of an orthotropic half-plane with a curvilinear crack
Author(s) A. O. Vatul'yan (Rostov-on-Don)
V. V. Krasnikov (Rostov-on-Don)
Abstract An effective approach is developed for solving the problem of steady-state vibrations of an orthotropic half-plane with a curvilinear crack. A system of boundary integral equations is constructed for this problem. Discretization of these equations is performed on the basis of the method of boundary elements. The dependence of stress intensity factors on vibration frequencies is described for cracks with various types of geometrical structure, and the results obtained for isotropic and anisotropic materials are compared.

Stress distribution in elastic media with cracks and operational integrity of such structures in complex dynamical situations form the subject matter of numerous publications. A review of the relevant methods and an extensive bibliography which, apparently, is most complete for today can be found in [1, 2]. In spite of the variety of approaches to the analysis of vibrations of bodies with cracks, most of them can be effectively applied to elasticity problems for bodies with simple geometry (the crack is assumed rectilinear and is either parallel or orthogonal to the canonical boundary of the domain), and the efficiency of these approaches is limited with regard to wave processes in bodies with near-surface defects of non-canonical structure (curvilinear and branching cracks). The most efficient method for solving problems of the latter type is the method of boundary integral equations and the related method of boundary elements.
1.  V. Z. Parton and V. G. Boriskovskii, Dynamic Fracture Mechanics [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1985.
2.  S. Murakami (Editor), Stress Intensity Factors Handbook [Russian translation], Volume 1, p. 448; Volume2, pp. 449-1013, Mir, Moscow, 1990.
3.  I. I. Vorovich and V. A. Babeshko, Mixed Dynamical Problems of Elasticity in Nonclassical Domains [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1979.
4.  A. O. Vatul'yan, I. A. Guseva, and I. M. Syunyakova, "On fundamental solutions for orthotropic media and their applications," Izv. SKNTs. Ser. Estestv. Nauki, No. 2, pp. 81-85, 1989.
5.  V. S. Budaev, "On a class of solutions of a system of second-order partial differential equations in the dynamics of anisotropic elastic media," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 5, pp. 127-135, 1976.
6.  L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Theoretical Physics. Volume 7. Theory of Elasticity [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1987.
7.  W. Nowacki, Theory of Elasticity [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1975.
8.  S. M. Belotserkovskii and I. K. Lifanov, Numerical Methods in the Theory of Singular Integral Equations and Their Applications to Aerodynamics, Elasticity, and Electrodynamics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1985.
9.  P. Banerjee and R. Butterfield, Boundary-Element Methods in Engineering Science [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1984.
10.  K. Brebbia, G. Telles, and L. Vrowbel, Boundary-Element Methods [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1987.
Received 17 April 2000
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