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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-5pp.16-22

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I. V. Novozhilov and V. N. Filippov, "To the evaluation of the conditions for rolling of the railroad wheel pair flange onto the rail head," Mech. Solids. 37 (5), 16-22 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 5 Pages 16-22
Title To the evaluation of the conditions for rolling of the railroad wheel pair flange onto the rail head
Author(s) I. V. Novozhilov (Moscow)
V. N. Filippov (Moscow)
Abstract The flanges of a wheel pair restrict its lateral displacements with respect to the track. The rolling of the flange onto the rail head is an extremely dangerous regime of motion which can lead to a crash. The identification of conditions generating such a regime is complicated by high order of the model of the system, rather large difference between natural frequencies, and essential nonlinearity. To analyze the motion of carriages, both simplified models (e.g., those of [1, 2]) and multibody models (e.g., [3]) have been utilized. Contact forces between the wheel and the rail can be modeled by Coulomb friction. In this case, additional conditions should be added to account for the possibility of slip [1, 2]. If the contact forces in the multibody model are accounted for by Carter's hypothesis, the analysis is complicated by high order of the model and large number of parameters [3]. Analysis of crash situations indicates that derailment of carriages occurs mostly on curved segments of the track [4].

In the present paper, we utilize the methods of separation of motions to construct an approximate mathematical model in which the number of degrees of freedom and parameters is reasonably small to enable one to investigate the appearance of emergency conditions by means of analytical methods.
1.  V. N. Danilov, V. D. Khusidov, and V. N. Filippov, "Meandering motion of a vehicle subject to nonlinear force and kinematic constraints," Vestnik VNIZhT, No. 3, pp. 20-24, 1971.
2.  N. A. Radchenko, Curvilinear Motion of Transportation Vehicles [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1988.
3.  G. I. Petrov, "Computer technology based methods to identify causes of train accidents and crashes," in Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific-practical Conference on Train Operation Safety [in Russian], pp. 18-24, MIIT, Moscow, 2000.
4.  B. L. Nedorchuk, "An overall assessment of the dangerous cargo transportation safety issue," in Proceedings of the Scientific-practical Conference on Train Operation Safety [in Russian], p. 7, MIIT, Moscow, 1999.
5.  L. A. Shadur (Editor), Carriages: Theory and Design [in Russian], Transport, Moscow, 1980.
6.  I. V. Novozhilov, "Separation of motions of a railroad vehicle," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 55-59, 1980.
7.  I. V. Novozhilov, Fractional Analysis [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow, 1991.
8.  A. B. Vasil'eva and V. F. Butuzov, Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Singular Perturbations [in Russian], Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow, 1990.
Received 07 May 2001
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