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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-4pp.37-46

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D. V. Georgievskii and B. E. Pobedrya, "On the concept of stability of deformation in elastic and viscoelastic models," Mech. Solids. 37 (4), 37-46 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 4 Pages 37-46
Title On the concept of stability of deformation in elastic and viscoelastic models
Author(s) D. V. Georgievskii (Moscow)
B. E. Pobedrya (Moscow)
Abstract Numerous attempts have been made to provide the concept of stability with a rigorous mathematical definition allowing one to construct a mathematical model of the transition of a motion or an equilibrium (more generally, a process) from a stable state to an unstable one. Most of the attempts to propose a unified definition failed, since in each specific problem the physical meaning implied a specific interpretation of the term stability. For example, in statics of structures this term means the ability of the system to preserve equilibrium under the action of certain loads. In problems of dynamics and vibrations of rigid bodies, stability means that the perturbed motion deviates from the unperturbed one by no more than a certain quantity. In hydrodynamics, the stability is usually interpreted as the property of the flow to remain laminar. Accordingly, the loss of stability means the transition to a turbulent regime. One should also refer to this concept when considering the change of the internal structure of solids on micro, meso, and macro levels and nucleation of phase transitions [1].
1.  N. F. Morozov and A. B. Freidin, "Phase transition zones and phase transformations for various kinds of stress state," in Transactions of the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences [in Russian], Vol. 223, pp. 220-232, 1998.
2.  T. Poston and I. Stewart, Catastrophe Theory and Its Applications [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1980.
3.  N. G. Chetaev, Stability of Motion [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1965.
4.  S. P. Timoshenko, Stability of Rods, Plates, and Shells [Russian translation], Nauka, Moscow, 1971.
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7.  M. Bech, "Die Knicklast des einseitig eingespannten tangential gerdruckten Stabes," ZAMP, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 225-228, 1952.
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9.  B. E. Pobedrya and D. V. Georgievskii, Lectures on the Theory of Elasticity [in Russian], Editorial URSS, Moscow, 1999.
10.  D. V. Georgievskii, "Stability of deformation processes with respect to sets of measures for given classes of perturbations," Izv. AN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 2, pp. 69-92, 1997.
11.  A. R. Rzhanitsyn, Some Issues of Mechanics of Systems Subject to Time-varying Deformation [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1949.
12.  Yu. N. Rabotnov, Creep in Structural Members [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow. 1966.
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14.  R. S. Sanzharovskii, Creep Stability of Structural Elements of Buildings [in Russian], Izd-vo LGU, Leningrad, 1984.
15.  V. D. Potapov, Stability of Viscoelastic Structural Members [in Russian], Stroiizdat, Moscow, 1985.
16.  N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. D. Drozdov, and V. B. Kolmanivskii, "Stability of Viscoelastic Bodies and Structural Members," in Achievements in Science and Technology. Ser. Mechanics of Solids [in Russian], Vol. 19, pp. 3-77, VINITI, Moscow, 1987.
17.  A. A. Il'yushin and B. E. Pobedrya, Mathematical Fundamentals of the Theory of Thermoviscoelasticity [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1971.
18.  K. A. Abgaryan, "Stability of motion on a finite time interval," in Achievements in Science and Technology. Ser. General Mechanics [in Russian], Vol. 3, pp. 43-124, VINITI, Moscow, 1976.
19.  S. A. Shesterikov, "On the criterion of the creep stability," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1101-1106, 1959.
20.  N. J. Hoff, "Reversed creep: a remark to the creep buckling theory of Rabotnov and Shesterikov," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 113-125, 1964.
21.  I. G. Treuglov, Bending and Creep Buckling of Thin Plates and Shells [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1969.
22.  A. N. Guz', "On a model in the 3D theory of stability of elastoviscoplastic bodies," Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 18-24, 1984.
23.  V. D. Klyushnikov, Lectures on Stability of Deformable Systems [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow, 1986.
24.  V. G. Zubchaninov, O. E. Sof'in, and S. L. Subbotin, "Stability and buckling of nonlinearly elastic compressed rods subject to creep," in Stability, Plasticity, and Creep under Complex Loading [in Russian], pp. 76-87, Izd-vo Tver. GTU, Tver, 1998.
25.  V. G. Gromov, "Quasistatic instability as a means for the qualitative analysis of equilibrium motions of hereditarily deformed bodies on a finite time interval," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 5, pp. 124-127, 1986.
Received 30 April 2002
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