| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 37, Issue 3 / 2002 | Next article >> |
I. O. Osipov, "On complex solutions of dynamical problems of plane elasticity for anisotropic bodies in terms of potentials," Mech. Solids. 37 (3), 66-76 (2002) |
Year |
2002 |
Volume |
37 |
Number |
3 |
Pages |
66-76 |
Title |
On complex solutions of dynamical problems of plane elasticity for anisotropic bodies in terms of potentials |
Author(s) |
I. O. Osipov (Petrozavodsk) |
Abstract |
In [1], the method of complex solutions suggested by V. I. Smirnov and
S. L. Sobolev [2-4] is applied (in terms of potentials) to dynamical
problems of plane elasticity for anisotropic media with three elastic
parameters satisfying the constraint (a−d)a−c2>0. Due to a
methodological inconsistency committed in [1], the solutions obtained are
in disagreement with the physical meaning of the problem and similar
solutions for isotropic media. In the present paper, the investigation of
this problem is continued by the same method for anisotropic bodies with
four elastic constants and no additional constraints on these constants. A
new approach is proposed for the construction of solutions of the equations
of motion. We obtain and investigate solutions describing plane waves and
waves arising from a point source such as an instantaneous impulse, as well
as complex solutions of general type. The solutions
obtained here differ from those of [1] and are in agreement with the
physical meaning of the problem and similar solutions for anisotropic
media. |
References |
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2. | V. I. Smirnov and S. L. Sobolev,
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4. | V. I. Smirnov, A Course in Higher Mathematics [in Russian], Gostekhizdat,
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5. | V. A. Sveklo, "Elastic vibrations of anisotropic bodies,"
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10. | I. O. Osipov, "On the method of complex solutions of dynamical
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12. | N. V. Zvolinskii, M. I. Reitman, and G. S. Shapiro,
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13. | V. D. Kupradze, Methods of Potential in Elasticity [in Russian],
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14. | V. D. Kupradze, T. G. Gegelia, M. O. Basheleishvili, and
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[in Russian], Izd-vo Tbilissk. Un-ta, Tbilisi, 1968. |
Received |
26 April 2000 |
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