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Yu. N. Chelnokov, "Construction of attitude control laws for a rigid body using quaternions and standard forms of equations governing transient processes. Part 1," Mech. Solids. 37 (1), 1-12 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 1 Pages 1-12
Title Construction of attitude control laws for a rigid body using quaternions and standard forms of equations governing transient processes. Part 1
Author(s) Yu. N. Chelnokov (Moscow)
Abstract Theory and methods are developed for the analytical construction of control laws for the attitude motion of a rigid body that would provide the asymptotic stability in large or global asymptotic stability for any chosen attitude motion and ensure a desired behavior of the controlled motion of the body. To construct such control laws, we use quaternion models of rotation of a rigid body, the inverse dynamics concept, the feedback control principle, and methods for reducing the differential equations of the perturbed angular motion of a rigid body to standard differential equations of a prescribed structure.

In the first part of the paper, we consider quaternion models of the rotational motion of a rigid body, formulate the problem of attitude control of a rigid body, and present various forms of differential equations of perturbed angular motion of the body in quaternion and vector variables convenient for constructing control laws.

In the second part of the paper, we will consider standard differential equations governing the desired behavior of the controlled motion of the body and synthesize three groups of control laws utilizing quaternion and vector variables to describe the rotational motion. We will discuss the construction of the desired (nominal) attitude motion and the corresponding open-loop control, and the determination of scalar, matrix or quaternion gains of nonlinear feedback laws providing the desired qualitative and quantitative characteristics for transient processes. Specific control algorithms will be proposed.

This work is a generalization and continuation of [1-5].
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Received 08 December 1999
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