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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-1pp.74-84

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I. I. Argatov, "Asymptotic modeling of equilibrium of a rigid body based on the plane surface of an elastic foundation at several points," Mech. Solids. 37 (1), 74-84 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 1 Pages 74-84
Title Asymptotic modeling of equilibrium of a rigid body based on the plane surface of an elastic foundation at several points
Author(s) I. I. Argatov (St. Petersburg)
Abstract The method of matching of asymptotic expansions is utilized to solve the contact problem of linear elasticity for the pressure of a system of rigidly connected punches on an elastic half-space. The diameters of contact areas are assumed to be small in comparison with the distance between the punches. A separation of the punches from the foundation surface is allowed. A mathematical model taking into account the interaction of contact spots is constructed. The complete set of governing relations involves the equations of static equilibrium and compatibility conditions for displacements.

It is well known that the problem of the equilibrium of a rigid body on a smooth horizontal plane is statically indeterminate for the number of supporting points exceeding three. Therefore, to determine the constraint forces, one has to resort to additional assumptions as regards the elasticity of the foundation. The simplest mathematical model ([1], Section 112, Subsection 4; [2], Chapter 13, Exercise 26) involves the concept of the keyboard foundation [3]. In the present paper, the compatibility relations for the displacements of the rigid body and the elastic foundation are derived by the method of asymptotic analysis of the contact problem of elasticity [4-6]. The statement of this problem allows a separation of the contacting surface of the body from the foundation. An asymptotically exact model taking into account the interaction of contact spots is constructed.
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Received 10 December 1999
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