| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
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<< Previous article | Volume 37, Issue 1 / 2002 | Next article >> |
K. Yu. Osipenko and I. V. Simonov, "A model of 3D dynamics of a body of revolution interacting with low-strength media and nonsymmetric cavitation," Mech. Solids. 37 (1), 119-128 (2002) |
Year |
2002 |
Volume |
37 |
Number |
1 |
Pages |
119-128 |
Title |
A model of 3D dynamics of a body of revolution interacting with low-strength media and nonsymmetric cavitation |
Author(s) |
K. Yu. Osipenko (Moscow)
I. V. Simonov (Moscow) |
Abstract |
An approximate mathematical model is constructed for 3D motion of a body of revolution
in a low-strength medium (of soil type) with nonsymmetric separation of flow.
We postulate a relationship between the kinematic and the load quantities
at the interface between the body and the medium. This is done in terms of
the method of an isolated element (or the method of tangential cones, as in aerodynamics,
or the method of local interaction [1, 2]) with the help of exact solutions [3, 4]
and experimental data [5, 7]. A criterion of separation is postulated for
the flow of an elastic-plastic material.
The model is reduced to a standard dynamical system by a rearrangement of variables.
The criterion of separation is used to determine the variables and the unknown boundaries
of the wetted region, which are necessary for the calculation of
the generalized forces. For elongated bodies, an asymptotically precise
analogue of autonomous equations is obtained. We also examine the region
of separation and find the conditions of stability of rectilinear motion of
thin bodies.
Previously, one-dimensional cavity motion of bodies was studied in [8-10].
Numerical analysis of plane-parallel motion of projectiles in soil is given in [11].
The first integrals for the problem of 3D motion of a body in viscous fluid
are constructed in [12] under the assumption that the interaction
of the body and the fluid is limited to its disk-shaped front piece [12].
Some recent publications propose new technologies based on
deep penetration of projectiles. In particular, probes are being
developed for exploring physical and chemical properties of structures on
the surface of other planets [13], and there are some proposals
regarding control of volcanic and seismic activities [14]. On the other
hand, experiments with penetration of various media by projectiles often
demonstrate a distortion of the trajectory of motion in the presence of
nonsymmetric cavitation (sometimes, the trajectory has the form of a loop
and the projectile moves out of the target, having turned around by 180°). In this connection, it is especially important to analyze
numerically deep penetration, shape optimization, and stability of motion
of a body in a medium with high strength characteristics.
However, when formulated precisely, such problems can hardly be solved at all [8].
The advanced numerical methods applied to these problems are effective only
at the early stages of impact, whereas the results of long-term
calculations may be erroneous. Moreover, since there are many parameters
and determining functions, calculations do not allow us to identify the
general laws of the penetration process.
It has often been said that the instability of the dynamic properties of
soils and other porous materials reduces the requirements for the precision
of the models. Therefore, the utilization of approximate
methods reducing the original problem to the classical
dynamic problem for a solid body by means of a phenomenological description
of the medium-body interaction and calibration of the model on the
experimental basis [8-12] would be justified. |
References |
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Received |
23 November 1999 |
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