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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-6pp.64-75

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L. D. Akulenko and S. V. Nesterov, "An effective numerical-analytical method for solving one-dimensional variational problems of mechanics," Mech. Solids. 36 (6), 64-75 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 6 Pages 64-75
Title An effective numerical-analytical method for solving one-dimensional variational problems of mechanics
Author(s) L. D. Akulenko (Moscow)
S. V. Nesterov (Moscow)
Abstract A high-precision effective numerical-analytical method is presented for solving nonlinear boundary-value problems for the Euler-Lagrange equation subject to various boundary conditions. The computational algorithm is based on a non-standard approach employing the dependence of the missing initial (or terminal) value of the variable on the length of the interval and introducing a small variable of the boundary-value problem in an original way. A recurrence procedure involving numerical solution of initial value problems (Cauchy problems) is suggested for successive refinement of this value and the desired solution. This procedure has a quadratic convergence with respect to the small parameter characterizing the relative residual of the approximate solution with respect to the argument. The method is developed for boundary conditions of the first and second kinds, as well as for nonlinear boundary conditions of the third kind. A modification of this algorithm is suggested utilizing the residual of the solution of the Cauchy problem at the terminal point. The algorithm is tested by solving and analyzing essentially nonlinear case problems from magnetic hydrodynamics and propagation of rays in nonhomogeneous media satisfying Fermat's principle.
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9.  K. I. Babenko, Fundamentals of the Numerical Analysis [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1986.
10.  L. D. Akulenko and S. V. Nesterov, "An effective method for investigating vibrations of essentially nonhomogeneous distributed systems," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 466-478, 1997.
11.  L. D. Akulenko and S. V. Nesterov, "An effective solution of the generalized Sturm-Liouville problem," Doklady AN, Vol. 363, No. 3, pp. 323-326, 1997.
12.  L. M. Brekhovskikh, Waves in Laminated Media [in Russian], Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1957.
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14.  H. Poincaré, Les Methodes Nouvelles de la Mechanique Celeste, 3 Vols, Paris, 1892, 1893, 1899.
15.  L. D. Akulenko and S. V. Nesterov, "An effective numerical-analytical solution of variational problems of mechanics," Doklady AN, Vol. 374, No. 5, pp. 624-627, 2000.
16.  L. D. Akulenko, D. V. Georgievskii, S. A. Kumakshev, and S. V. Nesterov, "Numerical-analytical investigation of the steady-state flow of a viscous fluid in a plane convergent channel," Doklady AN, Vol. 374, No. 1, pp. 44-48, 2000.
17.  D. M. Klimov, S. V. Nesterov, L. D. Akulenko, D. V. Georgievskii, and S. A. Kumakshev, "The flow of a viscoplastic medium with small yield limit in a plane convergent channel," Doklady AN, Vol. 375, No. 1, pp. 37-41, 2000.
Received 18 October 1999
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