Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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<< Previous article | Volume 36, Issue 3 / 2001 | Next article >>
"The 60th birthday of Professor A. G. Gorshkov," Mech. Solids. 36 (3), 1-1 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 3 Pages 1-1
Title The 60th birthday of Professor A. G. Gorshkov
Abstract On March 5, 2001, Professor Anatolii Gerasimovich Gorshkov, a well-known scientist in the field of mechanics, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, the executive secretary of the Editorial Board of Mechanics of Solids, celebrated his 60th birthday.

He graduated with distinction from the Flying Vehicle Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1964; in 1967 he defended his Ph.D. dissertation and in 1972 a dissertation for the Doctor-of-Sciences degree in the field of physics and mathematics.

He has obtained fundamental results in aerohydroelasticity as applied to the action of shock waves on structures and the penetration of fluids by shells of revolution. He has found the exact solution for the problem of diffraction of plane (spherical) elastic waves by a thick-walled spherical shell filled with an elastic medium. This solution is constructed in the form of series in terms of the Legendre polynomials with the expansion coefficients defined as a superposition of the generalized spherical waves. This concept covers ordinary spherical waves as a particular case. The method suggested for solving non-stationary problems of dynamics for an elastic or acoustic medium with spherical interfaces leads to a computationally convenient form of the solution and can be extended to problems related to the dynamics of nonhomogeneous media.

He obtained novel results in solving dynamic contact problems with movable boundaries. His investigations allowed one to determine all response characteristics and boundary singularities for the case of an impact of a body of revolution bounded by a smooth curved surface against an elastic half-space.

He has made a great contribution to the development of numerical methods for investigating the behavior of single-layer and multi-layered structures interacting with various kinds of deferrable obstacles such as liquid, soils, and two-component media.

Gorshkov's scientific activity is closely related to engineering and industry. He supervised the creation of an efficient methodology for the strength design of a 1400 m3 cryogenic spherical vessel and the design and implementation of a unique installation for investigating impact of thin-walled structures against water and soil. He took an active part in solving strength problems associated with water landing of the first Russian reusable module of the orbiting space station "Almaz" and cruise missile underwater launching.

In recent years, he has given much attention to the statics and dynamics of 3D bodies having contact with elastic and multi-phase media, as well as to the action of various physical-mechanical fields on structures. He has constructed boundary influence functions for the 3D elasticity problem in a parallelepiped; found the exact solutions for problems of diffraction and radiation of elastic waves for doubly connected domains and curved surfaces; developed a method for investigating the behavior and strength of layered obstacles exposed to powerful light radiation and particle flow; and developed a numerical-experimental method for sound insulation design of composite shells of revolution in a broad wavenumber range. These results have been internationally recognized.

Professor Gorshkov has created a scientific school in the field of non-stationary dynamics of continuous media and structures. He is an author of more than 220 scientific and methodological publications, among which are 17 monographs and textbooks. Twenty three Candidate-of-Sciences (Ph.D.) and 7 Doctor-of-Sciences (D.Sc.) dissertations have been prepared under his advice. His results have found wide application in various fields of modern technology. He is a winner of the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers (1990) and the Prize of the 25th Anniversary of Moscow Aviation Institute (1991). He has been awarded the Chelomei Medal of the USSR Astronautics Federation and the Nadiradze Medal of the Russian Astronautics Federation.

He manages much work for the scientific society. He is the Chairman of the Scientific-methodological Council "Strength of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Elasticity, and Plasticity;" a member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; a member of the editorial boards of the journals {\it Izvestiya Vuzov. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika (Higher Educational Institutions News. Aviation Engineering)}, {\it Vestnik MAI (Herald of Moscow Aviation Institute)}, and {\it Mekhanika Kompozitsionnykh Materialov (Mechanics of Composite Materials)}; an editor of the {\it Review Journal "Mekhanika" (Mechanics)}; a member of the Experts Council in Mathematics and Mechanics of the Higher Certification Committee of the Russian Federation.

The Editorial Board and the editors of the journal congratulate Anatolii Gerasimovich Gorshkov on his birthday and wish him strong health and further achievements in his creative life.
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