Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2023-6pp.2295-2318

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<< Previous article | Volume 58, Issue 6 / 2023 | Next article >>
T.L. Liu, Y.X. Xu, and Y.F. Wang, "Oblique Penetration of Spherical Projectile into Low-Carbon Steel Target: Experiment, Theory, 3D Penetration Model," Mech. Solids. 58 (6), 2295-2318 (2023)
Year 2023 Volume 58 Number 6 Pages 2295-2318
DOI 10.3103/S0025654423601039
Title Oblique Penetration of Spherical Projectile into Low-Carbon Steel Target: Experiment, Theory, 3D Penetration Model
Author(s) T.L. Liu (The State Key Lab of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China; School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China,
Y.X. Xu (The State Key Lab of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China; School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China,
Y.F. Wang (The State Key Lab of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China; School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)
Abstract To solve the ballistic limit and trajectory deflection angle of a spherical projectile after oblique penetration of a finite-thickness mild steel plate, a ballistic penetration model and its construction method are proposed, which combine the theory of cavity expansion penetration, the practice of projectile and target separation modeling, the technique of shooting line projectile-target intersection. The critical algorithms and calculation steps required to construct the penetration model in three-dimensional space are systematically described. Subsequently, the experiments of 93W spherical projectiles with 6mm diameter penetrating 4, 6, and 8 mm Q345 steel targets at angles of 0º, 20º, and 40º are carried, and obtain the penetration ballistic limit and trajectory. Finally, according to the experiment results, the calculation accuracy of the model is checked, and the results show that the ballistic limit calculation maximum errors for 4, 6, and 8 mm Q345 steel targets are 6.69, 18.24, and 16%. The main work of this paper shows that the penetration model established in this paper can accurately calculate the problem of spherical projectile penetrating finite thickness targets and can provide a new solution method for the problem of projectile penetration.
Keywords oblique penetration, 3D penetration model, tungsten sphere, cavity expansion theory, mild steel
Received 21 June 2023Revised 25 September 2023Accepted 04 October 2023
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