Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2023-4pp.1257-1270

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Iqbal Kaur and Kulvinder Singh, "Forced Flexural Vibrations due to Time-Harmonic Source in a Thin Nonlocal Rectangular Plate with Memory-Dependent Derivative," Mech. Solids. 58 (4), 1257-1270 (2023)
Year 2023 Volume 58 Number 4 Pages 1257-1270
DOI 10.3103/S0025654423600538
Title Forced Flexural Vibrations due to Time-Harmonic Source in a Thin Nonlocal Rectangular Plate with Memory-Dependent Derivative
Author(s) Iqbal Kaur (Faculty of Mathematics, Government College for Girls, Palwal, Kurukshetra, India,
Kulvinder Singh (Faculty of Engineering, UIET, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India,
Abstract The In this paper, we study the forced flexural vibrations caused by time-harmonic concentrated loads on a transversely isotropic thin rectangular plate (TRP) with a memory-dependent derivative (MDD).This study not only considered the size effect but also studied the memory, mechanical, and thermal field effects. If only one of them is studied, one-sided conclusions may result. we develop a closed-form mathematical model for the thin plate based on the Green-Naghdi (GN) III theory and non-local generalized Kirchhoff’s love plate theory of thermoelasticity using MDD. With the double finite Fourier transform technique, expressions for lateral deflection, thermoelastic damping, temperature distribution, frequency shift, and thermal moment, have been found in the transformed domain for simply supported (SS) TRP. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of the MDD kernel function on the resultant quantities.
Keywords thin rectangular plate, memory-dependent derivative, non-local theory, thermoelastic damping, lateral deflection, frequency shift, thermal moment
Received 04 April 2023Revised 02 May 2023Accepted 04 May 2023
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