| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 13011 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ĐÀÍ. ̀̉̉): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4915 |
| Table of Contents | |
| About the Works of K. I. Babenko in the Field of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth) Aptekarev A.I. and Afendikova N.G. | 919-925 |
| On the Formation of Feedbacks in the Van der Pol Spatial Oscillator Zhuravlev V.F. | 926-931 |
| Analog of the Poinsot Interpretation of the Euler Solution in the Motion Problem for a Rigid Body in a Potential Field of Forces Gorr G.V. | 932-940 |
| On the Motion of a Three-Wheel Robot with Slip of Driver Wheels Karapetyan A.V. and Katasonova K.A. | 941-946 |
| On the Stability of Steady Rotation of a Satellite around the Normal to the Orbital Plane Markeev A.P. | 947-957 |
| Regular Quaternion Models of Perturbed Orbital Motion of a Rigid Body in the Earth’s Gravitational Field Chelnokov Yu.N. | 958-976 |
| Synthesis of Control of Spatial Motion of a Rigid Body Using Dual Quaternions Chelnokov Yu.N. | 977-998 |
| On the Evolution of Balloon Satellite Motions in a Plane Restricted Planetary Four-Body Problem with Light Pressure Dobroslavskiy A.V. and Krasilnikov P.S. | 999-1012 |
| Analytical Solutions in the Darboux Problem and the Bortz Equation and the Approach to Orientation Algorithms Based on Them Molodenkov A.V., Sapunkov Ya.G., Molodenkova T.V., and Perelyaev S.E. | 1013-1020 |
| On the Influence of Stiffness on the Stability of Equilibrium of a Mechanical System Without Complete Dissipation Samsonov V.A. and Selyutskiy Yu.D. | 1021-1029 |
| On the Collision of a Point Particle with an Elastic Film Blinov A.P. | 1030-1034 |
| Method to Calculate Rods under an Inertial Load Moving with Variable Speed Ivanchenko I.I. | 1035-1041 |
| Saint-Venant–Picard–Banach Method for Integrating Thin-Walled System Equations of the Theory of Elasticity Zveryaev E.M. | 1042-1050 |
| Surface of Discontinuity in Anisotropic Reduced Cosserat Continuum: Uniqueness Theorem for Dynamic Problems with Discontinuities Anisimov A.E., Zdanchuk E.V., and Lalin V.V. | 1051-1056 |
| New Class of Homogeneous Solutions for Plane Elastodynamic Problems Rasulova N.B. and Rasulov M.B. | 1057-1061 |
| Asymptotic Analysis of the Forced Oscillations of Double-Layered Plates with Viscous Resistance Aghalovyan L.A., Aghalovyan M.L., and Zakaryan T.V. | 1062-1070 |
| On the Static Bifurcation of a Moving Heated Panel Streamlined by an Ideal Fluid Banichuk N.V., Afanas'ev V.S., and Ivanova S.Yu. | 1071-1076 |
| Contact with Intermolecular Interaction Forces for a Viscoelastic Layer (Self-Consistent Approach): Calculation of the Stress-Strain State and Energy Dissipation Soldatenkov I.A. | 1077-1092 |
| On the Calculation of Coating Wear Kinetics: the Use of Refined Deformation Models Soldatenkov I.A. | 1093-1104 |
| Adhesive Interaction of Elastic Bodies with Regular Surface Relief Makhovskaya Yu.Yu. | 1105-1114 |
| Biomechanical Model, Numerical Analysis of Tissue Regeneration within a Porous Scaffold Maslov L.B. | 1115-1134 |
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