Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2019-1pp.92-111

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M.V. Levskii, "Optimal Control of Kinetic Moment During the Spatial Rotation of a Rigid Body (Spacecraft)," Mech. Solids. 54 (1), 92-111 (2019)
Year 2019 Volume 54 Number 1 Pages 92-111
DOI 10.3103/S0025654419010084
Title Optimal Control of Kinetic Moment During the Spatial Rotation of a Rigid Body (Spacecraft)
Author(s) M.V. Levskii (Space System Research and Development Institute, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, ul. Tikhonravova 27, Korolev, Moskovskaya oblast, 141091 Russia,
Abstract The problems of optimal control of kinetic moment of a rigid body (for example, a spacecraft) during the reorientation maneuver from an arbitrary initial to a given final angular position, taking into account the requirements for the energy of rotation, are investigated. An analytical solution for the problem of optimal control of solid body reorientation is obtained. Formalized equations are presented and calculation expressions for the construction of an optimal control program are given. The task of controlling the turn is solved taking into account the restrictions on control moments. An analytical relationship is found between the turning time and the maximum rotational energy. The moment of the start of deceleration is determined by the actual parameters of movement (the mismatch quaternion and the kinetic moment), based on the principles of terminal control (using information about the angular position and measuring the angular velocity). Control algorithms created make it possible to make turns in a given time with a minimum rotational energy. For a dynamically symmetric solid body, the control problem is solved to the end - dependencies are obtained, as explicit functions of time, for control variables and relations for calculating the key parameters of the kinetic moment control law. A numerical example and the results of mathematical modeling of the motion of a spacecraft with optimal control, which demonstrate the practical feasibility of the developed orientation control algorithms, are presented.
Keywords orientation, quaternion, kinetic moment, control function, optimality criterion, maximum principle, boundary value problem
Received 28 June 2017
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