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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2018-1pp.60-67

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F.I. Stepanov and E.V. Torskaya, "Modeling of Sliding of a Smooth Indenter over a Viscoelastic Layer Coupled with a Rigid Base," Mech. Solids. 53 (1), 60-67 (2018)
Year 2018 Volume 53 Number 1 Pages 60-67
DOI 10.3103/S0025654418010077
Title Modeling of Sliding of a Smooth Indenter over a Viscoelastic Layer Coupled with a Rigid Base
Author(s) F.I. Stepanov (Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526 Russia)
E.V. Torskaya (Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526 Russia,
Abstract The article deals with constant-speed sliding of a smooth indenter along the boundary of a viscoelastic layer coupled with a rigid half-space. The problem is investigated in a quasistatic statement by constructing a solution for the case of a load sliding, distributed inside of a rectangular element, which allows using the boundary element method and an iterative procedure. The effect of sliding velocity and layer thickness on the contact pressure distribution and the deformation component of the frictional force is studied.
Keywords contact interaction, sliding, viscoelasticity, layer, deformation component of friction force
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Received 17 August 2016
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