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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2016-3pp.315-320

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A.M. Lokoshchenko, "Use of a Vector Damage Parameter in Modeling of Long-Term Strength of Metals," Mech. Solids. 51 (3), 315-320 (2016)
Year 2016 Volume 51 Number 3 Pages 315-320
DOI 10.3103/S0025654416030080
Title Use of a Vector Damage Parameter in Modeling of Long-Term Strength of Metals
Author(s) A.M. Lokoshchenko (Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Michurinskii pr. 1, Moscow, 119192 Russia,
Abstract We consider the results of known tests of tubular specimens under a constant axial stress and a constant or alternating tangential stress. The cyclic variation in the sign of the tangential stresses significantly increases the time to fracture.

The modeling of long-term strength of metals in unsteady complex stress states encounters significant difficulties. The application of the kinetic theory of long-term strength is apparently the most promising method for solving this problem. As a rule, the use of a scalar damage parameter does not permit describing the specific characteristics of fracture for various loading programs. The use of a tensor damage parameter also encounters difficulties because of a large number of functions and material constants contained in the kinetic equations. In this paper, we propose to use a vector damage parameter to describe the experimental data under study.
Keywords long-term strength, complex stress state, kinetic theory, vector damage parameter, tubular specimen, time to fracture, alternating torsion
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Received 22 March 2015
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