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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2016-1pp.22-38

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Z.A. Davtyan, M.S. Mkrtchyan, and S.M. Mkhitaryan, "Application of a Contact Model due to L. A. Galin to Problems of Contact Interaction between Stringers and Massive Deformable Bodies," Mech. Solids. 51 (1), 22-38 (2016)
Year 2016 Volume 51 Number 1 Pages 22-38
DOI 10.3103/S0025654416010039
Title Application of a Contact Model due to L. A. Galin to Problems of Contact Interaction between Stringers and Massive Deformable Bodies
Author(s) Z.A. Davtyan (Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, pr. Marshala Bagramyana 24B, Erevan, 375019 Republic of Armenia,
M.S. Mkrtchyan (Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, pr. Marshala Bagramyana 24B, Erevan, 375019 Republic of Armenia)
S.M. Mkhitaryan (Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, pr. Marshala Bagramyana 24B, Erevan, 375019 Republic of Armenia,
Abstract L. A. Galin's contact model for a narrow beam bending on an elastic half-space and Melan's contact model for a stringer are used to consider two problems of contact interaction between one or two identical symmetrically loaded stringers with small rectangular cross-sections and an elastic half-space. The basic characteristics of these problems are expressed by explicit formulas, and the results of their numerical analysis are given as well.
Keywords contact model, contact problem, stringer, elastic half-space, contact stresses
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Received 20 May 2013
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