| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 51, Issue 1 / 2016 | Next article >> |
S.V. Bosakov and A.V. Krupoderov, "Two Contact Problems for a Wedge with a Symmetric Cut on the Edge," Mech. Solids. 51 (1), 12-21 (2016) |
Year |
2016 |
Volume |
51 |
Number |
1 |
Pages |
12-21 |
10.3103/S0025654416010027 |
Title |
Two Contact Problems for a Wedge with a Symmetric Cut on the Edge |
Author(s) |
S.V. Bosakov (Institute BelNIIS, ul. F. Skoriny 15B, 220114 Republic of Belarus, sevibo@yahoo.com)
A.V. Krupoderov (Belarusian State University, pr. Nezavisimosti 4, Minsk, 220030 Republic of Belarus) |
Abstract |
In this paper, the solutions of two contact problems for a wedge with a symmetric cut on the edge are presented. First, special approximation methods and orthogonal polynomials are used to solve the auxiliary problem on the action of a lumped force on the cut edge. The obtained solutions are compared with known solutions in some special cases. |
Keywords |
wedge, cut, half-plane, contact problem |
References |
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Received |
14 November 2013 |
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