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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2015-4pp.439-450

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I.G. Goryacheva and Yu.Yu. Makhovskaya, "Sliding of a Wavy Indentor on a Viscoelastic Layer Surface in the Case of Adhesion," Mech. Solids. 50 (4), 439-450 (2015)
Year 2015 Volume 50 Number 4 Pages 439-450
DOI 10.3103/S002565441504010X
Title Sliding of a Wavy Indentor on a Viscoelastic Layer Surface in the Case of Adhesion
Author(s) I.G. Goryacheva (A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526 Russia,
Yu.Yu. Makhovskaya (A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526 Russia,
Abstract The contact problem of constant velocity sliding of the doubly periodic wavy surface of a rigid indentor along a viscoelastic layer on a rigid foundation is considered with the adhesive attraction between the surfaces taken into account. A method is proposed for calculating the configuration of the contact regions and adhesive interaction regions, the pressure distribution on the contact surface, and the deformation component of the friction force for various values of the viscosity, adhesion, velocity, and microgeometry parameters of the surface. We study how these parameters affect the merging of contact spots and the transition from discrete to saturated contact as the external load increases.
Keywords contact interaction, viscoelasticity, adhesion, roughness, friction
1.  I. G. Goryacheva, Mechanics of Contact Interactions (Nauka, Moscow, 2001) [in Russian].
2.  I. G. Goryacheva and F. Sadeghi, "Contact Characteristics of Rolling/Sliding Cylinder and a Viscoelastic Layer Bonded to an Elastic Substrate," Wear 184, 125-132 (1995).
3.  I. G. Goryacheva and Yu. Yu. Makhovskaya, "Influence of the Surface Layer Elasticity Imperfections on Contact Characteristics in Sliding of Rough Elastic Bodies," Trenie Iznos 18 (1), 5-12 (1997).
4.  M. A. Nozdrin, Yu. Yu. Makhovskaya,, and B. V. Sheptunov, "Computation of the Friction Force Strain Component in Sliding of a Body on a Viscoelastic Foundation," Vestnik IGEU, No. 3, 48-50 (2009).
5.  B. V. Sheptunov, I. G. Goryacheva, and M. A. Nozdrin, "Contact Problem of Motion of an Indentor with Regular Relief on a Viscoelastic Foundation," Trenie Iznos 34 (2), 109-119 (2013).
6.  B. V. Deryagin, N. V. Churaev, and V. M. Muller, Surface Forces (Nauka, Moscow, 1985) [in Russian].
7.  Yu. Yu. Makhovskaya, "The Sliding of Viscoelastic Bodies when There is Adhesion," Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 69 (2), 334-344 (2005) [J. Appl. Math. Mech. 69 (2), 305-314 (2005)].
8.  I. G. Goryacheva and Yu. Yu. Makhovskaya, "Modeling of Friction at Various Scale Levels," Izv. Akad. Nauk. Mekh. Tverd. Tela, No. 3, 100-110 (2010) [Mech. Solids (Engl. Transl.) 45 (3), 390-398 (2010)].
9.  D. Maugis, Contact Adhesion and Rupture of Elastic Solids (Springer, Berlin, 2000).
10.  J. J. Kalker, Three-Dimensional Elastic Bodies in Rolling Contact, in Solid Mechanics and Its Applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990).
Received 20 April 2015
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