Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2013-5pp.573-580

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G.M. Rozenblat, "On a Disk Sliding on a Rough Inclined Plane under an Arbitrary Law of Normal Stresses," Mech. Solids. 48 (5), 573-580 (2013)
Year 2013 Volume 48 Number 5 Pages 573-580
DOI 10.3103/S0025654413050130
Title On a Disk Sliding on a Rough Inclined Plane under an Arbitrary Law of Normal Stresses
Author(s) G.M. Rozenblat (Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University, Leningradskii pr-t 64, Moscow, 125319 Russia,
Abstract The paper deals with the problem of a disk sliding on a rough inclined plane under the action of an arbitrary (symmetric) law of normal stress distribution and the classical differential Euler-Coulomb dry friction law. Some qualitative results concerned with the global dynamics of motion of such a disk are obtained. In several cases where the Galin distribution of normal stresses and the corresponding Zhuravlev formulas for friction forces and moments are used, one can succeed in obtaining the first integrals for the corresponding equations of motion of an annular disk. The limit cases concerned with the well-posedness of transition from a disk to a material point, which is directly related to the problem of justification of the point contact with sliding friction or a nonholonomic constraint, are also discussed.
Keywords disk, dry friction, normal stress, inclined plane
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Received 27 May 2013
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