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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2012-5pp.489-490

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"Academician Nikita Fedorovich Morozov," Mech. Solids. 47 (5), 489-490 (2012)
Year 2012 Volume 47 Number 5 Pages 489-490
Title Academician Nikita Fedorovich Morozov
Abstract Nikita Fedorovich Morozov, a prominent Russian scientist who made a great contribution to mechanics of deformable solids, an outstanding teacher who created a school of mechanics that is authoritative in our country and abroad, has celebrated his eightieth birthday.

Nikita Fedorovich Morozov was born on July 28, 1932, in Leningrad. His childhood fell on the years very hard for the entire country. During the siege of Leningrad in World War II, he actively worked in voluntary fire brigades. In 1943, N. F. Morozov was awarded the medal "For the defence of Leningrad."

In 1949, N. F. Morozov entered the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University, where he was taught by the scientists who were the pride of the Soviet science (Yu. V. Kinnij, S. G. Mikhlin, V. V. Novozhilov, D. K. Faddeev, and others). After defence of his diploma work and successful post-graduate studies at Leningrad State University, N. F. Morozov had been working at the Chair of Mathematics at Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp-and-Paper Industry, where he passed the way from Associate Professor to Full Professor, Head of the Chair.

Since 1970, N. F. Morozov had been working at Leningrad State University, at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, and since 1976, he has been Head of the Chair of Theory of Elasticity at St.Petersburg State University.

Because of his fruitful work in several scientific fields of mathematical theory of elasticity, N. F. Morozov became one of the well-known specialists in our country. N. F. Morozov is one of the initiators of application of strict mathematical methods in the theory of elasticity.

In 1967, at Leningrad University, N. F. Morozov defended his Doctor dissertation "Nonlinear Problems of the Theory of Thin Plates and Shells" where he qualitatively investigated nonlinear problems of the theory of thin plates. His results about the existence, uniqueness, and solvability of boundary value and initial-boundary value problems of the theory of plates and shells are now classical. He also solved the problem posed by D. Yu. Panov and V. I. Feodosiev about the existence of nonsymmetric solutions of a symmetrically loaded circular plate and stated sufficient conditions for the instability of the symmetric solutions.

On the advice of Academician V. V. Novozhilov to consider the problems of fracture of solids, N. F. Morozov and his students made significant progress in the investigation of problems of brittle fracture in the strict mathematical statement. N. F. Morozov made a great contribution to the study of the problem of equilibrium and propagating cracks and to the theory of damage accumulation. He proposed a new brittle fracture criterion that is topical in problems of fast and superfast loading. This criterion underlies new methods for material testing, which answer the demands of the contemporary industry.

In the last years, N. F. Morozov concentrated his efforts on the application of methods of mechanics of deformable solids to the problems of nanomechanics. He paid great attention to studying the relationship between the deformation, stability, fracture, and diffusion processes of phase transformations. At the Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, N. F. Morozov's collected a creative teamwork fruitfully working in this direction and attracting many talented young scientists to this work. Continuing the best traditions of the schools of mechanical scientists A. I. Lurie and V. V. Novozhilov, N. F. Morozov organized a permanently working public seminar at the Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, where the actual problems of mechanics and physics are discussed.

N. F. Morozov's long-term pedagogical activity at St.Petersburg State University deserves special attention. N. F. Morozov's students defended eight Doctor of Science dissertations and more than 50 Candidate of Science dissertations. By the decision of the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation, N. F. Morozov' scientific school was awarded the title of one of the Leading Scientific Schools of the Russian Federation.

N. F. Morozov is the author of more than 240 scientific works including eight monographs and three manuals. In 2000, N. F. Morozov was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in science and technology for the cycle of papers in the field of nonlinear problems of mechanics of of deformable solids.

N. F. Morozov's social-scientific work is comprehensive and many-sided. He is Vice-President of the Russian National Committee in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, President of the RAS Scientific Council in Mechanics of Deformable Solids, a member of UTAM General Assembly. For a long time, N. F. Morozov has been a member of the editorial board of the journal "Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela" and of several other editorial boards of leading domestic and foreign journals in mechanics. In 2009, N. F. Morozov was elected a member of European Academy of Sciences.

For his active scientific-pedagogical work, N. F. Morozov was awarded the Order of Honour (1999), Order "For the Services to the Homeland" (2003), `Order of Friendship (2010), and the title "Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation" (1995).

N. F. Morozov has great feeling of duty and social responsibility, vast energy, ability to work enthusiastically and to carry the others with him, personal approachability, and great desire always to render help and support.

The editorial board and editorial staff of the journal "Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela" (Mechanics of Solids), pupils, and colleagues heartily greet Nikita Fedorovich Morozov on the occasion of his eightieth birthday and wish him strong health and many new creative achievements.
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