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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2012-3pp.337-356

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R. Kumar and T. Kansal, "Analysis of Plane Waves in Anisotropic Thermoelastic Diffusive Medium," Mech. Solids. 47 (3), 337-356 (2012)
Year 2012 Volume 47 Number 3 Pages 337-356
DOI 10.3103/S0025654412030089
Title Analysis of Plane Waves in Anisotropic Thermoelastic Diffusive Medium
Author(s) R. Kumar (Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 136119 India,
T. Kansal (Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 136119 India,
Abstract This paper concentrates on the study of the propagation of harmonic plane waves in a homogeneous anisotropic thermoelastic diffusive medium in the context of different theories of thermoelastic diffusion. It is found that five types of waves propagate in an anisotropic thermoelastic diffusive medium, namely a quasi-elastodiffusive (QED-mode), two quasi-transverse (QSH-mode and QSV-mode), a quasi-mass diffusive (QMD-mode) and a quasi-thermo diffusive (QTD-mode) wave. The governing equations for homogeneous transversely isotropic diffusive medium in different theories of thermoelastic diffusion are taken as a special case. It is noticed that when plane waves propagate in one of the planes of transversely isotropic thermoelastic diffusive solid, purely quasi-transverse wave mode(QSH) decouples from rest of the motion and is not affected by the thermal and diffusion vibrations. On the other hand, when plane waves propagate along the axis of solid, two quasi-transverse wave modes (QSH and QSV) decouple from the rest of the motion and are not affected by the thermal and diffusion vibrations. From the obtained results, the different characteristics of waves like phase velocity, attenuation coefficient, specific loss and penetration depth are computed numerically and presented graphically for a single crystal of magnesium. The effects of diffusion and relaxation times on phase velocity, attenuation coefficient, specific loss and penetration depth has been studied. Some particular cases are also discussed.
Keywords harmonic plane wave, transverse isotropic, thermoelastic diffusion, phase velocity, attenuation coefficient, specific loss, penetration depth
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Received 17 May 2010
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