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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2011-3pp.425-433

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I.N. Dashevskii, "Model of Symmetric Crack Formation in a Plate and a Wedge under Bending by a Point Indenter," Mech. Solids. 46 (3), 425-433 (2011)
Year 2011 Volume 46 Number 3 Pages 425-433
DOI 10.3103/S0025654411030095
Title Model of Symmetric Crack Formation in a Plate and a Wedge under Bending by a Point Indenter
Author(s) I.N. Dashevskii (Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr-t Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526 Russia,
Abstract The energy approach is used to propose a model of brittle fracture of a thin plate (and a wedge) under bending by a point indenter, which permits studying some possible mechanisms determining the number of sectors into which the plate breaks.

Since the energy necessary to form new cracks and the total elastic bending energy of the n triangular sectors-beams arising under bending vary in opposite directions with variation in both the crack length L and n, it follows that the total energy required to form n sectors has a minimum depending on L and n, and it is this minimum that determines the number n of the arising sectors.

In the simplest scheme, the number of developing cracks turns out to be independent of the plate physical-mechanical characteristics, and its thickness and varies from 2 to 4 as the wedge opening angle varies from 0 to .

An analysis is performed and a qualitative interpretation of the obtained results is given. Possible refinements of the proposed model in various directions are discussed.
Keywords crack, crack formation, fracture, bending, plate, wedge, model, indenter
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Received 25 December 2008
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