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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2011-2pp.159-160

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R.V. Goldstein, "On the Occasion of A. G. Gorshkov Seventieth Birthday," Mech. Solids. 46 (2), 159-160 (2011)
Year 2011 Volume 46 Number 2 Pages 159-160
DOI 10.3103/S0025654411020014
Title On the Occasion of A. G. Gorshkov Seventieth Birthday
Author(s) R.V. Goldstein
Abstract On March 5, 2011, it was 70 years since the birth of Anatolii Gerasimovich Gorshkov, a Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Sciences, professor, a noted scientist in the field of continuum mechanics.

A. G. Gorshkov graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), defended his Candidate of Sciences dissertation in 1967, and became Doctor of Sciences (in Mathematics and Physics) in 1973. In 1967-1982, he worked at the Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. From 1982 to 2006 (the year when he passed away), he was the head of a chair at the Moscow Aviation Institute; in 1991, he was elected Dean of the Department of Applied Mathematics, and remained at this position until the end of his life.

Professor Gorshkov's works in the field of dynamics of solids and structures, including those interacting with continuous media and physical-mechanical fields are widely known. He obtained fundamental results in the theory of aerohydroelasticity, in modeling the action of shock waves on various structures, and in the theory of penetration of shells of revolution into liquids. Professor Gorshkov obtained important results in the dynamics of contact interaction with movable boundaries, in studies of the behavior of single-layer and multilayer structures contacting with different deformable obstacles (liquid, soil, two-component media).

For many years, Professor Gorshkov's scientific interests were in the field of strength of new technological products and structures, such as the strength analysis of cryogenic spherical containers of large volume, the first domestic shuttle of the Almaz orbital station at water landing, and cruise missiles at underwater launch. A unique testing machine for investigating the process of impact of thin-walled structures on water and soil was designed and brought into operation under his guidance.

Professor Gorshkov founded a scientific school in the field of nonstationary dynamics of continuous media and structures, whose representatives defended 29 Candidate of Sciences and 10 Doctor of Sciences dissertations. He published more than 300 scientific papers, including 20 monographs and 6 text books. [The list of main scientific papers of Professor Gorshkov was published in Izv. Akad. Nauk. Mekh. Tverd. Tela, No. 4, 183-190 (2006) [Mech. Solids (Engl. Transl.) 41 (4), 147-151 (2006)]]

Professor Gorshkov was awarded a State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology and a prize of the USSR Council of Ministers. He was decorated with V. N. Chelomei and A. D. Nadiradze Medals by the USSR and Russian Astronautical Federation.

Professor Gorshkov made a significant contribution to the development of scientific research and educational activity in the field of mechanics in Russia and the USSR. He was a member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board of the journal "Izv. RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela" (Mechanics of Solids), a member of the Editorial Boards of the journals "Izv. Vuzov. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika" (Russian Aeronautics), "Vestnik MAI" (Bulletin of Moscow Aviation Institute), and "Mekhanika Kompositsionnykh Materialov i Konstruktsii" (Composite Mechanics and Design), an Editor of several sections of the journal "RZh. Mekhanika. VINITI RAN" (VINITI Review Journal. Mechanics), a member of several sections and commissions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) Expert Council on Mathematics and Mechanics, a coordinator of the Section of Mechanics of Solids of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Head of the Dissertation Council at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and a member of several other dissertation councils in Russia.

On Professor Gorshkov's initiative, the International Symposium on "Dynamic and Technological Problems of Structural and Continuum Mechanics," has been held in Russia every year since 1995.The symposium is named after A. G. Gorshkov and is very popular among Russian and foreign scientists.

The bright image of Anatolii Gerasimovich Gorshkov, his active life position and devotional service to science and education will forever remain in the hearts of everybody who was acquainted with him.
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