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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2010-5pp.743-756

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E.M. Nekislykh and V.I. Ostrik, "Problems on Elastic Equilibrium of a Wedge with Cracks on the Axis of Symmetry," Mech. Solids. 45 (5), 743-756 (2010)
Year 2010 Volume 45 Number 5 Pages 743-756
DOI 10.3103/S0025654410050109
Title Problems on Elastic Equilibrium of a Wedge with Cracks on the Axis of Symmetry
Author(s) E.M. Nekislykh (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Romenskaya St., 87, Sumy, 40002 Ukraine)
V.I. Ostrik (Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Petropavlovskaya St., 58, Sumy, 40030 Ukraine,
Abstract We use the Wiener-Hopf method to obtain exact solutions of plane deformation problems for an elastic wedge whose lateral sides are stress free and which has rectilinear cracks on its axis of symmetry. In problem 1, a finite crack issues from the wedge apex edge; in problem 2, a half-infinite crack originates at a certain distance from the wedge apex edge; and in problem 3, the wedge contains an internal finite crack.

Earlier, many authors obtained approximate solutions to these problems [1-10] and exact solutions to problem 1 [11-17] and homogeneous problem 2 [18-20] (see also [21]).

The method of approximate conformal transformation [1, 2] and that of integral equations [3, 4] were used to study a specific case of problem 1 about equilibrium of an elastic half-plane with a boundary crack perpendicular to the half-plane boundary. The solution to problem 1 was obtained in [11] by reducing the problem to the Riemann problem for analytic functions and in [6, 7], by the Wiener-Hopf method. In [11], the problem coefficient was factorized in terms of Cauchy-type integrals, but no further calculations were presented, and in [6, 7], an approximate factorization was performed by approximating the factorized function. In [8], problems 1 and 2 were reduced to Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, which were solved numerically. In problem 1, values of the integral equation density were calculated, and the normal displacements of the crack edges were expressed in terms of this density in the form of Abel integrals; no calculations were given in problem 2.

The exact values of the stress intensity factors in problem 1 were obtained in [12-17] by the Wiener-Hopf method. The paper [12] considered the case of linear normal stresses given on the crack edges in the absence of tangential stresses was considered, the papers [13-16], the case of concentrated forces acting on the crack edges, and the paper [17], the case of concentrated moments applied to the wedge apex.

Solutions to the homogeneous problem 2, where the crack edges are stress free and the principal vector and the principal moment of stresses are given at infinity, were constructed by the Wiener-Hopf method in [18-20].

Problem 3 was studied in [6, 7, 9] by different approximate methods: using the asymptotic solution of the integral equation, solving the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind by the method of successive approximations after approximating the Fourier transform of the difference kernel of the original integral equation, and using another approximation of the kernel to reduce the problem to a singular integral equation admitting a solution in closed form. Here, the asymptotic method can be used only in the case of a crack relatively distant from the wedge apex, and the approximation of the kernel transform gives satisfactory results if the angle at the wedge apex exceeds π. The authors present the numerical results for the stress intensity factors and the displacement jump at an internal point of the crack in the case where the wedge is a half-plane. In [6-9], the cases of rigid clamping and hinged support of the faces of an elastic wedge were investigated. Problem 3 was numerically solved by the method of singular integral equations in [10], where the case of fixed sides of the wedge was also considered.

In what follows, problems 1 and 2 whose integral equations are given on a half-infinite interval and have distinct kernels are solved by the Wiener-Hopf method [22], and problem 3 is solved by the generalized Wiener-Hopf method, developed in [23-25] for solving integral equations with difference kernel on a finite interval. The coefficient of the functional Wiener-Hopf equation is factorized in terms of infinite products. We also present numerical results for the stress intensity factors, the normal stress distribution on the crack continuation line, and the normal displacements of the crack edges.
Keywords elastic wedge, crack, stresses, Wiener-Hopf method, factorization
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Received 17 November 2008
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