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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2010-4pp.501-518

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V.E. Panin, Yu.V. Grinyaev, and V.E. Egorushkin, "Foundations of Physical Mesomechanics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Media," Mech. Solids. 45 (4), 501-518 (2010)
Year 2010 Volume 45 Number 4 Pages 501-518
DOI 10.3103/S0025654410040023
Title Foundations of Physical Mesomechanics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Media
Author(s) V.E. Panin (Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademicheskii pr-t 2/4, Tomsk, 634021 Russia,
Yu.V. Grinyaev (Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademicheskii pr-t 2/4, Tomsk, 634021 Russia,
V.E. Egorushkin (Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademicheskii pr-t 2/4, Tomsk, 634021 Russia)
Abstract We present the basic principles of physical mesomechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media; the theory is developed on the basis of common approaches of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, gauge theory of defects, and mechanics of structured media. Within a multilevel approach, the plastic deformation evolution is considered in the entire hierarchy of structure-scale levels: at the nano, micro, meso, and macro level. Fracture is treated as the final stage of increasing disequilibrium of a solid, when the nonequilibrium thermodynamical Gibbs potential becomes zero and the structure-phase decay of the crystal occurs.
Keywords physic, mesomechanics, gauge theories, structure-scale levels, nonlinear waves, deformation, fracture
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44.  L. S. Derevyagina, V. E. Panin, and A. I. Gordienko, "Self-Organization of Plastic Shears in Localized Deformation Macrobands in the Neck of High-Strength Polycrystals, Its Role in Material Fracture under Uniaxial Tension," Fizich. Mezomekh. 10 (4), 59-72 (2007) [Phys. Mesomech. (Engl. Transl.) 11 (1-2), 51-62 (2008)].
Received 01 March 2010
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