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in January 1966
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<< Previous article | Volume 45, Issue 1 / 2010 | Next article >>
"On the Occasion of Kh. A. Rakhmatulin Hundredth Birthday," Mech. Solids. 45 (1), 1-2 (2010)
Year 2010 Volume 45 Number 1 Pages 1-2
DOI 10.3103/S0025654410010012
Title On the Occasion of Kh. A. Rakhmatulin Hundredth Birthday
Abstract The outstanding scientist, talented teacher and manager of science, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of UzSSR, Professor Khalil Akhmedovich Rakhmatulin (23.04.1909-10.01.1988) was the author fundamental papers on mechanics containing profound ideas and fruitful research methods. Many of them became starting points for several outstanding studies of Soviet and foreign scientists in problems of fluid flows, dynamics of elastoplastic media, and motions of mutually penetrating (multicomponent) media. Rakhmatulin's scientific, pedagogical, managerial, and social activities were many-sided and extremely fruitful.

Rakhmatulin was born on April 23, 1909, in the city of Tokmak (Kirgiz SSR). He had worked since the age of 10. In 1925, he entered the Tashkent region pedagogical technical school; after graduation, he worked there as a teacher and simultaneously continued his education at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Central Asian State University. In 1931, Rakhmatulin, with the personal help of People's Commissar of Education, President of the Scientific Committee of the USSR Central Executive Committee, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A. A. Lunacharskii, was transferred to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University, and since then all his life was inseparably linked with Moscow State University. In 1937, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in high-speed aerodynamics and was appointed Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and Head of the Aerodynamical Laboratory. In 1943, Rakhmatulin defended his D.Sc. thesis in physical-mathematical sciences. In 1947, he was elected Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR. In 1951, Rakhmatulin founded the Department of Gas and Wave Dynamics at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and he chaired this department until the end of his life.

Rakhmatulin made great contribution to origination and development of several fields of continuum mechanics.

Rakhmatulin's papers on dynamics of nonlinear deformable media are most known. It is with these problems that the survey published in this issue deals.

Of the other directions of Rakhmatulin's investigations, we mention the papers in the theory of flow past permeable bodies and the theory of motion of multicomponent and multiphase media. The ideas, methods, and results of these papers underlie the origination of scientific schools, institutes, and laboratories, including those at Moscow State University, where researchers perform successful investigations in these modern topical problems of mechanics. The branch institutes opened at that time actively collaborated with the Chair of Gas and Wave Dynamics and applied the results of Rakhmatulin's scientific studies in aerodynamics of permeable media to devise various types of parachutes for soft landing of descent space vehicles.

Rakhmatulin was the founder of the theory of interpenetrating motion of multiphase media. He was the first to obtain a closed system of equations of motion for the mixture of several compressible phases, analyze the fundamental laws of wave propagation, and lay the foundations of the theory of boundary layer in a two-phase mixture. He first posed and solved the problem on a supersonic flow of a gas containing solid and liquid particles. The results obtained by Rakhmatulin in mechanics of multiphase media found application in hydraulic engineering, chemical technology, nuclear power engineering, theory of combustion and explosion in heterogeneous media, and design of test units of technology. One practical application was the work in design of equipment for mixing hard-to-mix components, in particular, in producing colored concrete. This work was awarded the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers.

Rakhmatulin, along with chairing the department, also worked in the Central Scientific Research Institute of Engineering (TsNIIMASh), which is the leading institute in Rocket and Space Industry. On his initiative and with the help of Chief Designer S. P. Korolev, a unique experimental base for studying aerodynamics of descent space vehicles was established in TsNIIMASh.

The outstanding achievements of Academician Rakhmatulin were highly appreciated: he was awarded the title "Hero of Socialist Labour," four Lenin Orders, Order or the Red Banner of Labour, the Badge of Honour, and several medals. He was Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and the UzSSR and winner of two USSR State Prises, two Prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers, A. P. Biruni's State Prize of the UzSSR, and M. V. Lomonosov's prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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