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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2009-5pp.677-685

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V.V. Bondarenko and V.V. Perepelkin, "Rotational-Oscillational Motions of the Nonrigid Earth about the Center of Mass," Mech. Solids. 44 (5), 677-685 (2009)
Year 2009 Volume 44 Number 5 Pages 677-685
DOI 10.3103/S0025654409050045
Title Rotational-Oscillational Motions of the Nonrigid Earth about the Center of Mass
Author(s) V.V. Bondarenko (Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies), Volokolamskoe sh. 4, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, 125993 Russia)
V.V. Perepelkin (Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies), Volokolamskoe sh. 4, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, 125993 Russia,
Abstract We use the model of a nearly axisymmetric viscoelastic rigid body to study perturbed rotational-oscillational motions of the Earth's pole. We point out that the Chandler component of oscillations is of celestial-mechanics nature and is caused by the gravitational-tidal actions of the Sun and the Moon. We analyze the pole oscillation excitation mechanism at a frequency close to the Chandler frequency and show that the undamped pole oscillations are caused by the resonance harmonic of the external perturbation at a frequency close to the free nutation frequency. We discuss whether it is possible to solve the problem of constructing a short-term forecast of the pole motion on the basis of a polynomial filter obtained by the least-squares method without taking into account small-scale oscillations caused by wide-band random factors of arbitrary physical nature. In the present paper, we perform numerical simulation of tidal inhomogeneities in the Earth's axial rotation. Attention is mainly paid to the analysis of day length variations on short time intervals with periods less than or equal to one year (interannual oscillations) and to their forecast.
Keywords viscoelastic rigid body, celestial-mechanics model, the Earth pole, gravitation tide, rotations and oscillations, motion forecast
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Received 17 November 2006
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