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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-5pp.66-129

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M. C. Delfour, "Intrinsic differential geometric methods in the asymptotic analysis of linear thin shells," Mech. Solids. 41 (5), 66-129 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 5 Pages 66-129
Title Intrinsic differential geometric methods in the asymptotic analysis of linear thin shells
Author(s) M. C. Delfour (Montréal, Canada)
Abstract In earlier papers a completely intrinsic differential calculus on C1,1 submanifolds of codimension one in N has been developed by a marriage of tangential derivatives and the oriented distance function. Its potential has been illustrated by investigating some linear models of thin shells based on truncated series expansions with respect to the variable normal to the midsurface. In this paper we analyze the asymptotic behavior of three models for an arbitrary constitutive law. Given a midsurface with Lipschitzian boundary in a C1,1 submanifold of N, we show that solutions of the intrinsic linear P(1,1), P(2n,1) and P(2,1) models of thin shells converge to solutions of asymptotic shell models which consist of a coupled system of two variational equations. The first is the asymptotic P(1,0) model which yields the generally accepted classical membrane shell equation and the Love-Kirchhoff terms. The second is a generalized bending equation. In the bending dominated case and for the special constitutive law specified by two Lamé constants, the quadratic term of the second equation of the asymptotic P(2n,1) and P(2,1) models is the classical bending dominated equation. Also Naghdi's model is an approximation of the reduced P(2,1) model and Koiter's is a projection of Naghdi's. A detailed analysis of the three asymptotic models is given: existence and spaces of solutions, decomposition of the equations, and construction of the associated effective constitutive laws. Strong/weak convergence is established in the natural spaces and norms under an assumption on the asymptotic behavior of the constant of continuity of the right-hand side for shells without boundary or shells with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions (quotient space) or homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on a part of the boundary.
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Received 15 January 2005
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