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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-1pp.35-45

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D. V. Georgievskii, "The Prandtl problem for a plastic layer weakly inhomogeneous with respect to the yield strength," Mech. Solids. 41 (1), 35-45 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 1 Pages 35-45
Title The Prandtl problem for a plastic layer weakly inhomogeneous with respect to the yield strength
Author(s) D. V. Georgievskii (Moscow)
Abstract The analysis of the sensitivity of the deformation parameters to perturbations of material functions plays an important role (in both academic and applied aspects) in continuum mechanics, especially in problems with mixed boundary conditions [1]. The statement of the problem for an inhomogeneous continuous medium in the case of Eulerian description of the motion involves, in particular, the determination of the law of motion of Lagrangian particles along their trajectories and the inversion of this law. If at the initial time instant the difference of the material functions in an inhomogeneous material from some familiar distributions (e.g., constant distributions) is small, one can use the asymptotic method of [2]. This method is tested on the problem of compression of a thin perfectly plastic layer weakly inhomogeneous with respect to the yield strength by rigid plates. As the basic process we choose the quasistatic deformation of a homogeneous medium. This process corresponds to Prandtl's solution. A linear initial-boundary value problem is formulated for the perturbations. For some particular cases of the initial inhomogeneity this problem can be solved analytically.
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9.  D. A. Georgievskaya and D. V. Georgievskii, "Saint-Venant plastic flows weakly inhomogeneous with respect to the yield strength," Izv. RAN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 6, pp. 11-25, 2005.
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13.  I. A. Kiiko and V. A. Kadymov, "A generalization of L. Prandtl's problem of the compression of a strip," Vestnik MGU [Bulletin of the Moscow State University], Ser. 1. Matematika. Mekhanika, No. 4, pp. 50-56, 2003.
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17.  V. Kadymov and R. Wille, "Plastic flow in piecewise-homogeneous layers," ZAMM, B. 75, No. 1, S. 293-294, 1995.
Received 05 June 2005
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