Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-4pp.73-82

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L. D. Akulenko, D. D. Leshchenko, S. G. Suksov, and I. A. Timoshenko, "Evolution of rotation of a nearly dynamically spherical triaxial satellite under the action of gravitational and light torques," Mech. Solids. 41 (4), 73-82 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 4 Pages 73-82
Title Evolution of rotation of a nearly dynamically spherical triaxial satellite under the action of gravitational and light torques
Author(s) L. D. Akulenko (Moscow)
D. D. Leshchenko (Moscow)
S. G. Suksov (Moscow)
I. A. Timoshenko (Moscow)
Abstract We study the evolution of rotation of a rigid body (a Sun satellite moving in an elliptic orbit with arbitrary eccentricity) subjected to moments of gravitational forces and light pressure. The body is assumed to be nearly dynamically spherical, and its surface is assumed to be a surface of revolution, which allows one to approximate the light pressure torque coefficient by a finite trigonometric polynomial. In the first approximation of the averaging method, we obtain new qualitative effects of satellite rotation relative to its center of mass.
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2.  F. L. Chernousko, "On the motion of a satellite relative to the center of mass under the action of gravitational torques," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 474-483, 1963.
3.  V. V. Beletskii, Motion of a Satellite Relative to the Center of Mass in the Gravitational Field [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow, 1975.
4.  A. A. Karymov, "Stability of rotational motion of a geometrically symmetric artificial Sun satellite in the field of light pressure forces," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 923-930, 1964.
5.  V. K. Abalakin, E. P. Aksenov, E. A. Grebenikov, V. G. Demin, and Yu. A. Ryabov, Reference Book in Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1976.
6.  E. N. Polyakhova, Space Flight with Solar Sail: Problems and Perspectives [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1986.
7.  V. V. Sidorenko, "On rotational motion of a space vehicle with solar stabilizer," Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 780-790, 1992.
8.  V. V. Sazonov, "An asteroid motion relative to the center of mass under the action of the light pressure torque," Astronom. Vestnik, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 95-107, 1994.
9.  D. D. Leshchenko, "Evolution of rotation of a triaxial body under the action of the torque due to light pressure ," Izv. RAN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 6, pp. 17-26, 1997.
10.  L. D. Akulenko and D. D. Leshchenko, "Evolution of rotation of a nearly dynamically spherical triaxial satellite under the action of light pressure torques," Izv. RAN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 2, pp. 3-12, 1996.
11.  A. F. Timofeev, Integration of Functions [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.
Received 19 January 2004
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