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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-3pp.114-131

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V. A. Peleshko, "Construction of constitutive relations of viscoelasticity and creep under unsteady-state and complex loadings," Mech. Solids. 41 (3), 114-131 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 3 Pages 114-131
Title Construction of constitutive relations of viscoelasticity and creep under unsteady-state and complex loadings
Author(s) V. A. Peleshko (Moscow)
Abstract The design of structures subject to variable one-parameter or multi-parameter loading requires methods describing the behavior of materials subject to unsteady-state and complex loadings. In this situation, the theories of viscoelasticity and creep based on constant-stress tests lead to systematic errors. To account for the effects caused by the variation of the intensity and the direction of loading, two additional stain deviator terms are introduced: one depends on the rate of change of the averaged stress intensity and the other on the angle between the current stress deviator and the rate of change of the averaged stress deviator (the averaging is performed over the preceding time interval with a certain memory function). Both terms have the form of hereditary integrals with decaying kernel, in the case of viscoplastic materials, or constant kernel, in the case of materials with essentially irreversible creep (metals). Moreover, the transient creep strain deviator is represented as the sum of three terms that take into account the retarded partial reversibility, viscous hardening (due to deformation and ageing), and viscoplasticity. Methods are proposed for the determination of material functions of the model and the results are compared with the data of more than 50 creep tests of polyethylene, celluloid, duralumin, and stainless steel samples subjected to unsteady-state simple and complex loadings. These data were borrowed from the literature.
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Received 09 December 2003
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