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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-1pp.124-134

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V. A. Krys'ko and I. V. Kravtsova, "Control of chaotic vibrations in flexible spherical shells," Mech. Solids. 41 (1), 124-134 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 1 Pages 124-134
Title Control of chaotic vibrations in flexible spherical shells
Author(s) V. A. Krys'ko (Saratov)
I. V. Kravtsova (Saratov)
Abstract A method for controlling the chaotic vibrations of flexible spherical shells subjected to a transverse alternating load by the application of either a synchronous alternating moment at the shell edge, or a localized transverse alternating load, is proposed.
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Received 02 July 2004
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