Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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<< Previous article | Volume 40, Issue 6 / 2005 | Next article >>
A. M. Simonyan and Yu. G. Sanoyan, "Peculiarities of temperature resistance of layered composites," Mech. Solids. 40 (6), 95-100 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 6 Pages 95-100
Title Peculiarities of temperature resistance of layered composites
Author(s) A. M. Simonyan (Yerevan)
Yu. G. Sanoyan (Yerevan)
Abstract Layered composites subjected to heat exchange often undergo interlaminar cracking. We study interlaminar stresses arising in a composite under thermal action and show that shearing interlaminar stresses mainly occur near edges of the structures, where it is recommended to use either stronger binders or plastic binders.
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2.  I. F. Obraztsov, V. V. Vasil'ev, and V. A. Bunakov, Optimal Reinforcement of Shells of Revolution Made of Composites [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1977.
3.  A. M. Skudra, F. Ya. Bulavs, and K. A. Rotsens, Creep and Static Fatigue of Reinforced Plastics [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga, 1971.
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5.  G. A. Van Fo Fy, "To the theory of anisotropic creep of a glass band," Mekhanika polimerov, No. 2, pp. 64-69, 1965.
6.  P. Hill, "Theory of mechanical properties of fibre-strengthened material: I. Elastic behaviours," J. Mech. Phys., Vol. 12, No. 4. pp. 199-212, 1964.
7.  Yu. V. Nemirovskii, "On the elastoplastic behavior of a reinforced layer," Zh. Prikl. Mekhaniki i Tekhn. Fiziki, Vol. 6, pp. 81-89, 1969.
8.  A. M. Simonyan, Some Creep Problems [in Russian], Gitutyun, Yerevan, 1999.
9.  A. M. Simonyan and N. T. Sukoyan, "Examination of thermal expansion of stacks of fiber composites," Doklady AN Armenii, No. 1, pp. 31-37, 1988.
Received 26 November 2002
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