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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2005-4pp.69-89

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G. I. Kanel, S. V. Razorenov, and V. E. Fortov, "Submicrosecond strength of materials," Mech. Solids. 40 (4), 69-89 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 4 Pages 69-89
Title Submicrosecond strength of materials
Author(s) G. I. Kanel (Moscow)
S. V. Razorenov (Moscow)
V. E. Fortov (Moscow)
Abstract A brief review of recent results related to deformation and fracture of metals and alloys subjected to shock-wave loads is presented. The issue of achieving an ideal strength of a condensed substance and the experimental data related to the influence of the structural factors and temperature on the resistance to high-speed deformation and fracture are discussed. Abnormal increase in the dynamic yield strength of high-purity low-strength metals, as the testing temperature increases, as well as the crystal state overheating and pre-melting effects due to stretching, have been established. It is shown that hardening imperfections of the structure weaken the dependence of yield strength on the strain rate. The differences in the rate dependence can be so significant that in some cases the transition from the quasi-static to high-speed loading can change the sense of the influence of the structural factors.
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Received 08 April 2005
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