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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2005-4pp.45-59

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R. V. Goldstein and A. V. Chentsov, "Discrete-continuous model of a nanotube," Mech. Solids. 40 (4), 45-59 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 4 Pages 45-59
Title Discrete-continuous model of a nanotube
Author(s) R. V. Goldstein (Moscow)
A. V. Chentsov (Moscow)
Abstract A method for constructing a macroscopic model of a specimen, with its atomic structure being taken into account, is presented. A multi-scale model is developed for a carbon nanotube and a graphite plane. The behavior of this model under deformation is similar to that of the atomic model. A method for the calculation of the elastic moduli of a nanotube regarded as a transversely isotropic medium is proposed. This model is realized in the computer program that has been used for numerical experiments. The computed values of the shear modulus, Young's modulus, and transverse compression modulus are in good agreement with the experimental data available from publications, theoretical calculations, and molecular dynamics simulation results. The elastic properties of hexagonal plane segments and those of separate nanotubes have been investigated experimentally. A complete set of elastic moduli have been obtained for one type of nanotubes. A model of a nanotube in a polymer matrix is proposed and analyzed. The assessment of the influence of the type of interaction of the nanotube with the matrix on the axial stiffness of the nanotube is verified.
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Received 18 March 2005
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