| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 40, Issue 4 / 2005 | Next article >> |
O. S. Loboda and A. M. Krivtsov, "The influence of the scale factor on the elastic moduli of a 3D nanocrystal," Mech. Solids. 40 (4), 20-32 (2005) |
Year |
2005 |
Volume |
40 |
Number |
4 |
Pages |
20-32 |
Title |
The influence of the scale factor on the elastic moduli of a 3D nanocrystal |
Author(s) |
O. S. Loboda (St. Petersburg)
A. M. Krivtsov (St. Petersburg) |
Abstract |
A 3D nanocrystal with face-centered cubic lattice is considered.
The crystal contains a finite number of layers along one of
the directions xyz and infinite number of layers along the other
two directions (nanoplate) or infinite number of layers along one direction and
a finite number of layers along the other two directions (nanobar).
For these models, the elastic moduli - Poisson's ratios and Young's
moduli in three directions - are determined and the dependence of
the values of these moduli on the dimensions of the nanocrystal is
studied. It is shown that the elastic stiffness tensor of this crystal
is non-symmetric. The size of the crystal in the direction
along which the number of layers is finite cannot be determined uniquely,
which leads to an ambiguity in determining the mechanical properties
of the crystal. The dependence of the elastic moduli on the sizes
of the crystal in different directions is investigated, the values of
Young's moduli being shown to depend substantially on the method for
determining the sizes of the nanocrystal.
The present paper is a continuation of the investigations of the influence of
the scale factor on the mechanical properties of the material that have
been started by the authors for a 2D strip of a monocrystal material
with hexagonal close-packed lattice. In this paper, the investigation
is performed for 3D model and the transition to 2D model is demonstrated.
The scale effects appearing when the continuum elasticity theory is applied
to nanoscale objects are estimated. |
References |
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2004. |
Received |
12 February 2005 |
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