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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2003-2pp.101-112

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V. A. Peleshko, "Utilization of a damage surface for the description of creep and long-term strength in the case of complex loading," Mech. Solids. 38 (2), 101-112 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 2 Pages 101-112
Title Utilization of a damage surface for the description of creep and long-term strength in the case of complex loading
Author(s) V. A. Peleshko (Moscow)
Abstract Constitutive relations are proposed for media with initially isotropic creep and anisotropic damage accounted for by to the dependence of the fracture criterion parameter on the form of the stress state under simple loading and the inhomogeneity of damage accumulation in different physical directions under complex loading. Each direction in the vector space of stresses is associated with its own damage. Its increment is equal to the increment of scalar damage multiplied by the value of a material function of the angle between the said direction and the vector of stresses acting at a given instant. The set of simultaneous damage values in all directions of the stress space forms a surface of anisotropic damage. The value of damage in the direction of the vector of stresses acting at the current instant is adopted as the damage measure. This value determines creep acceleration as the instant of fracture is approached and also the condition of its realization. The efficiency of the model is demonstrated by means of comparison with experimental and theoretical results found from literature (works of Murakami and Delobelle with coauthors) on creep and long-term strength of copper at 250C° and stainless steel at 600C° under joint action of constant tension and alternating torsion.
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Received 21 January 2001
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