Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2003-2pp.71-80

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D. I. Chernyavskii, "Elastoplastic impact of two deformable solids at medium impact velocities," Mech. Solids. 38 (2), 71-80 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 2 Pages 71-80
Title Elastoplastic impact of two deformable solids at medium impact velocities
Author(s) D. I. Chernyavskii (Moscow)
Abstract An impact interaction of two deformable solid bodies is accompanied by various physical processes depending on the shape and material of these bodies, the impact velocity, and a number of other parameters. The major difference between a dynamic impact interaction and a static loading is that for the impact interaction, the forces at the point of contact of the bodies have an extremely short duration, measured by tenth and hundredth of microsecond. For that reason, an impact interaction leads to the formation of shock stress waves that cover the entire system of bodies and, in addition, the interacting bodies penetrate one another, except for cases rarely encountered in practice.

As is known, the mechanical behavior of materials subject to an impact is classified into elastic, plastic, viscous, or combined. The main criterion for this classification is the relationship between stresses, strains, and rates of change of these quantities.

In practice, impact velocities are divided into low, medium, and high ones. Low velocities lead only to elastic strains. For high impact velocities, the interacting bodies fail or are completely disintegrated. For fairly high impact velocities, at which the pressure attains the modulus of elasticity, phase transformations can occur in the materials of the impacting bodies.

In practice, the most frequent case is an impact with medium velocities at which the stress level exceeds the yield stress at most by two orders of magnitude and the velocity of motion of particles of the bodies is lower than the sound speed for the respective material. In this velocity range, a residual hollow appears in the contact zone, and the plastic deformation is confined only to a neighborhood of this zone and does not spread over the entire cross section of the bodies. In this case, we have the inequality PmTSi, where Pm is the maximum force, σT is the yield stress, and Si is the cross-sectional area behind the contact region of the impactor (i=1) or the second body (i=2). For simplicity, such processes are regarded as isothermal and, hence, temperature and other thermodynamic effects are not taken into account. Impacts of such a type are frequently encountered when solving topical problems of applied mechanics related to the behavior of various structures subject to an impulsive loading.

Processes of propagation of waves in solids, irrespective of their source, have been fairly well studied theoretically. The results of these studies are presented in [1-9]. The governing equations involve differential equations of motion and an equation of state. The solution of these equations depends on the geometric properties and anticipated behavior of the colliding bodies. A great number of solutions have been obtained for homogeneous isotropic elastic materials. The simplest differential equations of motion are those of propagation of waves in an unbounded medium or in an elastic half-space. Exact solutions of equations governing wave processes in bodies of finite size have been obtained for plates (Rayleigh and Lamb), cylindrical rods (Pokhammer and Cree), shells (Mirsky and Hermann), and some other structures.

Complications in applications of strict solutions of elasticity to bodies of finite size have given rise to the appearance of various simplified approximate solutions for rods, beams, plates, curved rods, and other simple structures subject to a great variety of boundary conditions.

The classification of substances distinguishes, apart from elastic materials, anisotropically elastic, multiphase loose, elastoplastic, viscoelastic, and some other types of materials. The differential equations of motion for such materials are substantially more complex than the equations of motion for elastic materials. Of most importance for practice is the description of dynamic interaction between elastoplastic bodies. This is for that reason that metals, having been currently basic structural materials, demonstrate elastoplastic properties when being subjected to dynamic interaction at medium impact velocities.
1.  E. V. Aleksandrov and V. B. Sokolinskii, Applied Theory and Calculations of Impact Systems [in Russian], Mauka, Moscow, 1969.
2.  G. S. Batuev, Yu. V. Golubkov, A. K. Efremov, and A. A. Fedosov, Engineering methods of analysis of impact processes [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1969.
3.  W. Goldsmith, "Impact and contact phenomena under medium velocities," in Physics of Transient Processes. Volume 2 [in Russian], pp. 153-203, Mir, Moscow, 1971.
4.  W. Goldsmith, Impact: Theory and Physical Properties of Colliding Bodies [Russian translation], Stroiizdat, Moscow, 1965.
5.  A. Yu. Ishlinskii, "Axially symmetric problem of plasticity and Brinnel test," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 201-224, 1944.
6.  Yu. V. Kolesnikov and E. V. Morozov, Mechanics of Contact Fracture [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1989.
7.  L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Theoretical Physics. Volume 7. Theory of Elasticity [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1965.
8.  I. Ya. Shtaerman, Contact Problem of Elasticity [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1949.
9.  D. Tabor, "A simple theory of static and dynamic hardness," Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A, Vol. 192, No. 1029, pp. 247-274, 1948.
Received 10 May 2001
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