Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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<< Previous article | Volume 38, Issue 2 / 2003 | Next article >>
L. D. Akulenko, T. A. Kozachenko, and D. D. Leshchenko, "Rotations of a rigid body under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques," Mech. Solids. 38 (2), 1-7 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 2 Pages 1-7
Title Rotations of a rigid body under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques
Author(s) L. D. Akulenko (Moscow)
T. A. Kozachenko (Odessa)
D. D. Leshchenko (Odessa)
Abstract Perturbed rotations of a rigid body close to Lagrange's regular precession are investigated in the case where the body is acted upon by a restoring and perturbation torques slowly varying in time. The body is assumed to be spun up to a high angular velocity and the restoring and perturbation torques are assumed to be small, with a certain hierarchy of smallness of the components. An averaged first-approximation system of equations of motion is obtained for the essentially nonlinear system under consideration in non-resonant and resonant cases. Examples of motion of the body are considered for specific cases of restoring, perturbation, and control torques.
1.  L. D. Akulenko, D. D. Leshchenko, and F. L. Chernousko, "Perturbed motions of a rigid body close to a regular precession," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 5, pp. 3-10, 1986.
2.  D. D. Leshchenko and S. N. Sallam, "Perturbed motions of a rigid body about a fixed point," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 5, pp. 16-23, 1990.
3.  N. N. Bogolyubov and Yu. A. Mitropol'skii, Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1974.
4.  V. M. Volosov and B. I. Morgunov, Method of Averaging in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillating Systems [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow, 1971.
5.  L. D. Akulenko, Asymptotic Methods of Optimal Control [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1987.
Received 20 June 2001
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