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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-2pp.47-55

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I. I. Argatov, "The pressure of a slender rectangular punch on an elastic half-space," Mech. Solids. 37 (2), 47-55 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 2 Pages 47-55
Title The pressure of a slender rectangular punch on an elastic half-space
Author(s) I. I. Argatov (St. Petersburg)
Abstract The method of matching asymptotic expansions is applied to study the contact problem for a slender rectangular punch on an elastic half-space. A consistent integral equation for the pressure per unit length is derived by using a modified procedure of matching. The results of numerical calculations are compared with the known data. The solution obtained is generalized to the case of a slender curved punch, elastic layer, and unilateral contact.
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Received 10 November 1999
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