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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2002-2pp.109-117

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A. I. Malkin and E. M. Podgaetskii, "Hydrodynamic effects in physical-chemical fracture mechanics. Part 1. Kinetic models," Mech. Solids. 37 (2), 109-117 (2002)
Year 2002 Volume 37 Number 2 Pages 109-117
Title Hydrodynamic effects in physical-chemical fracture mechanics. Part 1. Kinetic models
Author(s) A. I. Malkin (Moscow)
E. M. Podgaetskii (Moscow)
Abstract We consider crack growth in fracturing solids in active liquid media. Experimentally observed laws are discussed. Semi-empirical models proposed here combine a phenomenological description of the formation of a new surface and a systematic analysis of the hydrodynamic interaction between the liquid and the solid body subject to fracture. Basic hydrodynamic effects are due to the reduction of fluid pressure in the growing crack in response to its opening and increasing length. As a result, local stresses become lower near the crack tip and cavitational discontinuities appear, which inhibits the crack propagation.
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Received 17 May 2000
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