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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-5pp.151-156

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G. G. Denisov, "On the pressure of waves on an obstacle in the case of transverse vibrations of a string," Mech. Solids. 36 (5), 151-156 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 5 Pages 151-156
Title On the pressure of waves on an obstacle in the case of transverse vibrations of a string
Author(s) G. G. Denisov (Nizhni Novgorod)
Abstract Interest in the action of waves on a reflecting obstacle has appeared since long ago. This interest has been supported by the hypothesis that waves of any physical nature interacting with an obstacle exert on the latter nonzero mean pressure, as is the case for the pressure exerted by electromagnetic waves on a reflecting surface. One of the first publications on this topic is the paper [1] by Rayleigh. Rayleigh has demonstrated this phenomenon on a simple mechanical model consisting of a vibrating string and a point mass attached to it; the string is passed through the hole of a ring that can be moved along the vertical. The average pressure on the ring has been determined depending on the parameters of the model and the vibration amplitude and frequency. Some general observations concerning the influence of vibrations have been made. In his other work [2], following Poynting's paper [3], Rayleigh has assumed that to exert pressure on an obstacle when reflecting from it, the wave package must possess a momentum. This hypothesis has been confirmed for longitudinal plane waves in fluids [2].

The behavior observed for transverse vibrations of one-dimensional elastic systems (e.g., beams or strings) is quite different. During the propagation of transverse waves each particle, in the first approximation, vibrates perpendicularly to the direction of the wave propagation and does not contribute to the momentum of the wave.

In the second approximation, the particles vibrate both transversely to and along the string, but nevertheless, the momentum does not appear, since the translatory motion along the elastic system on the average does not occur. However, an obstacle interacting with transverse vibrations and waves is subject to pressure under certain conditions [1, 4, 5], which contradicts Poynting's and Rayleigh's observations. To resolve this paradox, the authors of a number of recent publications [5-8] introduce the concept of the wave momentum and explain the appearance of the pressure (which is referred to as the wave pressure) by the change of the wave momentum during the interaction of the wave with an obstacle. In these publications, the concepts of the wave momentum and pressure apply to both longitudinal and transverse waves. These wave characteristics are defined only for distributed systems and are quadratic in the amplitude. The direction of the wave momentum coincides with that of the wave propagation and the wave pressure is always positive, i.e., the incident wave always pushes the obstacle ahead. The wave momentum is possessed also by linear waves, in which each particle vibrates harmonically, the translatory component of the motion is absent and, hence, neither transverse nor longitudinal waves have a nonzero classical momentum.

The equations of motion of distributed systems are derived from Newton's equations. Based on this observation, it is natural to suggest that the classical concepts of momentum and pressure are quite sufficient for interpreting the results of analysis of wave processes. Note also than the wave momentum and wave pressure are not mentioned in the familiar courses of theoretical mechanics [9,10]. Therefore, one should seek the solution of this contradiction within the framework of the classical mechanics.

It turners out that the solution of this problem is different for longitudinal and transverse waves. For longitudinal waves, the pressure on the reflecting obstacle is accounted for by the momentum carried by the incident wave, thus confirming the point of view of Rayleigh and Pointing [2, 3]. For this momentum to occur, the mass transfer (the motion of the center of mass of the medium region occupied by the wave) is necessary. This mass transfer follows from the initial conditions and nonlinear properties of the medium and respective equations [11, 12]. For longitudinal vibrations, it is shown that the wave reflected by an obstacle can exert either positive or negative pressure on this obstacle and that the wave momentum does not have a physical meaning.

For transverse vibrations, Poynting's and Rayleigh's hypotheses are not always satisfied, since the pressure of transverse waves on an obstacle interacting with these waves can occur also in the case where the momentum of the incident wave package is equal to zero. The present paper is devoted to the solution of these contradictions.
1.  Rayleigh, "On the pressure of vibrations," Phil. Mag., Vol. 3, pp. 338-346, 1902.
2.  Rayleigh, "On the momentum and pressure of gasseous vibrations and on the connexion with virial theorem," Phil. Mag., Vol. 10, pp. 364-374, 1905.
3.  T. H. Poynting, "Radiation pressure," Phil. Mag., Vol. 9, pp. 393-407, 1905.
4.  E. L. Nikolai, "To the issue of vibration pressure," Izv. St. Peterburg. Politekh. In-ta, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 49-60, 1912.
5.  A. I. Vesnitskii, L. E. Kaplan, and G. A. Utkin, "Laws of change of energy and momentum for one-dimensional systems with moving attachment," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 863-866, 1983.
6.  A. I. Vesnitskii and G. A. Utkin, "Motion of a body along a string under the action of wave pressure forces," Doklady AN SSSR, Vol. 302, No. 2, pp. 278-280, 1988.
7.  G. A. Utkin, "Statement of problems of dynamics of elastic systems with objects moving along them," in Wave Mechanics of Machines [in Russian], pp. 4-14, Nauka, Moscow, 1991.
8.  A. I. Vesnitskii and A. V. Metrikin, "Transient radiation in mechanics," Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk [Advances in Physics], Vol. 166, No. 10, pp. 1043-1068, 1996.
9.  L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Theoretical Physics. Volume 6. Hydrodynamics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1986.
10.  A. A. Il'yushin, Continuum Mechanics [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow, 1990.
11.  G. G. Denisov, "On the wave momentum and forces appearing on the boundary of a one-dimensional elastic system," Izv. AN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 42-51, 1994.
12.  G. G. Denisov, "To the issue of the momentum of a wave, radiation pressure, and other quantities in the case of plane motions of an ideal gas," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 390-402, 1999.
13.  A. N. Tikhonov and A. A. Samarskii, Equations of Mathematical Physics [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1953.
14.  O. A. Goroshko and G. N. Savin, Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable One-dimensional Bodies of Variable Length [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1971.
Received 08 July 1999
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