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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-4pp.121-132

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I. I. Ivanchenko, "Design of framed structures modeling bridges for moving loads," Mech. Solids. 36 (4), 121-132 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 4 Pages 121-132
Title Design of framed structures modeling bridges for moving loads
Author(s) I. I. Ivanchenko (Moscow)
Abstract We suggest a new method for the design of framed systems for massive moving loads. To solve this problem for a beam with a load moving on it, two methods have been basically applied. (These methods can be also extended to other structures.) The first method involves the generalized coordinates to be introduced by expanding the deflection of the beam in terms of its natural vibration modes and reduces the problem to the solution of a system of ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients [1-3]. The second method involves the decomposition of the beam-load system and reduces the problem to solving an integral equation for the dynamic response of the load [4, 5]. In the methods of [1-3], the increase in the number of modes to be preserved implies an increase in the order of the system of differential equations. The methods of [4, 5] face difficulties associated with the conditional stability of difference schemes. A method that combines these two approaches and removes their drawbacks is presented in [6] for beams. This method fairly simply takes into account any number of natural vibration modes in the deflection expansion and uses the system of governing equations that has a minimal number of unknowns (as is the case for the method of integral equations [4, 5]) and can be integrated by means of an unconditionally stable scheme. In the method suggested in the present paper, these advantages are preserved for the case of design of framed systems for moving loads with nonzero mass.

In the design of bridges, framed structures are utilized to model various load bearing components, including the solid superstructure, frame trestles, and trusses. The traditional approaches to the design of framed structures for a moving load utilize finite elements (FM), with polynomials being used to approximate displacements [7-9]. As is the case for the classical problem of the motion of a load along a beam, both of the cited approaches taking into account the moving load can be applied to framed structures, with the specific features of their numerical implementation being preserved. Both these methods utilize finite elements either for solving an auxiliary eigenvalue problem or for the construction of the governing equations to be integrated directly. These approaches are reduced to the construction of discrete analogues for the Inglis method [7] and for the method of integral equations [9]. Both these methods require fine spatial discretization of the structure, since the analysis of systems subjected to impulsive, rapidly moving or vibrational loads requires a great number of vibration modes to be taken into account. However, the extension of the frequency spectrum, as has been mentioned, increases the order of the system of the governing equations. We aim in the present paper at the removal of this drawback. The method suggested for framed structures combines the two cited approaches and utilizes also the method developed earlier for the design of beams for a moving load [6] and the finite element technique for the design of distributed framed structures for transient excitations, including massless moving loads [10]. To take into account a moving load that has mass, finite (boundary) elements of large length are suggested, with the displacements being approximated by linear functions and trigonometric (Fourier) series. The direct integration of the governing system leads at each step to a system of linear equations for only the accelerations at the nodes, including the nodes of the framed structure and the nodes at the points of contact of the structure with the moving load. In this approach, the increase in the number of the spatial discretization elements does not increase the order of the system of the governing equations, and the iterative procedure constructed on the basis of the mixed method of the structural mechanics is unconditionally stable with respect to time and permits one to determine the fields of forces, displacements, and dynamic pressure of moving loads acting on bridges. The moving loads modeling high-speed trains and automobiles can be considered.
1.  C. E. Inglis, Mathematical Treatise in Vibrations in Railway Bridges, University Press, Cambridge, 1934.
2.  V. V. Bolotin, "Analysis of vibrations of bridges under the action of a moving load," Izv. AN SSSR. OTN. Mekhanika i Mashinostroenie, No 4, pp. 109-115, 1961.
3.  N. G. Bondar', Yu. G. Koz'min, V. P. Tarasenko, et al., Railway Bridge-Vehicle Interaction [in Russian], Transport, Moscow, 1984.
4.  A. P. Filippov and S. S. Kokhmanyuk, Dynamic Action of Moving Loads on Rods [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1967.
5.  S. S. Kokhmanyuk, E. G. Yanyutin, and L. G. Romanenko, Vibrations of Deformable Systems under Impulsive and Moving Loads [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1980.
6.  I. I. Ivanchenko, "On the action of a moving load on bridges," Izv. AN. MTT, No. 6, pp. 180-185, 1997.
7.  T. Borowicz, "Wyteženie belek pod obsiaženiem ruchomym," Arch. Inž. Lad., Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 219-235, 1978.
8.  V. K. Garg, K. H Chu, and T. L. Wang, "A study of railway/vehicle interaction and elevation of fatigue life," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 13, pp. 687-709, 1985.
9.  N. N. Shaposhnikov, S. K. Kashaev, V. B. Babaev, and A. A. Dolganov, "Design of structures for moving loads with the help of the finite-element method," Stroitel'naya Mekhanika i Raschet Sooruzhenii, No. 1, pp. 59-52, 1986.
10.  I. I. Ivanchenko, "Design of framed systems with distributed parameters for impulsive and moving loads," Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 109-118, 1988.
11.  L. A. Rozin, Variational Statements of Problems for Elastic Systems [in Russian], Izd-vo LGU, Leningrad, 1978.
12.  I. I. Ivanchenko, "On the dynamic analysis of bridges for a moving load in the form of a railway train," Stroitel'naya Mekhanika i Raschet Sooruzhenii, No. 6, pp. 26-31, 1989.
13.  S. V. Vershinskii, V. N. Danilov, and V. D. Khusidov, Dynamics of a Railway Vehicle [in Russian], Transport, Moscow, 1991.
14.  A. Ya. Kogan, A. A. L'vov, and M. A. Levinzon, "Characteristics of railway vehicles and track irregularities for velocities not exceeding 350km/h," Vestnik VNIIZhT, No. 3, pp. 10-14, 1991.
Received 08 December 1998
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